Hi and thanks. But it was a man singing it and not a woman. Yes, that was the song when she says goodbye to everyone. I've gone on Shazam and the show's website and nothing.
Unchained melody was not the song on the first Series 2 Episode 10. Never was.
Never say never because it was for the original Australian release.
I saw the series on Acorn TV.com so maybe it was recorded for them.
I just watched the ending of S02E10 on acorn.tv and the song is indeed different. It's called "The Shadow of Your Love" and was written by Joel Bevan & John Charles Fiddy. The version played on Acorn is actually a studio recording produced by www.focusmusic.com
This company provides production music, library music, music for advertising, web, film and television, music for productions. You can listen to the track for free online at their website.
That's my 2 cents and no, you can't have it! reply share
Oh my god, Thank you so much!!! Can you tell me who is singing it? Joel or John? I am going to download it from focus music I wonder how I can get it on ITunes or on my phone. Any ideas? Thanks again. Boy was this elusive.
I had a similar situation when for some reason I really really liked a song in an episode of Banged Up, I ended up reaching out to the producers of the show, they put me in touch with the artist and she was so happy someone noticed and liked her work she sent me mp3 and flac versions for free. So I guess just asking and being nice about it can get you far.
I would also like to know the name and artist for the song played on Season 2, at the end of Episode 7 ("No other Love"). Lyrics go... "Just one more day in my life and oh look what happened for someone to stay in my fife.....I found everything when I found you" Thanks!
I am also trying to identify a song at the beginning of the Auld Land Syne episode, Carolyn is having a martini, Jack is driving. In the Australian version, it is the Andrews Sisters "I Can Dream Cant't I" but it is something much prettier in the Acorn version. PLEASE help find it! And why are there changes for Acorn anyway ? Thanks for any help!
I'm also trying to find the name of a piece of music which was played in the closing scene of S03E04(Australian). George puts a record on the player and turns to look out of the window while Sarah talks with Rene by the waterhole. It wasn't listed in the credits and I've been unable to find it on Amazon, iTunes or the composer's website. Any help would be greatly appreciated.