Handed 55 Years of Spider-Man Comics, the Director Said...
He wants to do an adaptation of those 1980s John Hughes teen movies.
This is the Richard Lester Superman 3 problem all over again. The director has no interest in the original source material. He simply wanted to come up with his own idea for a movie that has no basis in comic book history or superhero mythology and shoehorn a superhero into it because that's what sells. He'll just make up his own stuff for the superhero to do because it will be better than what's in those silly old comic books anyway.
In a recent interview with Fandango, “Spider-Man: Homecoming” director Jon Watts discussed how Hughes was one of his primary influences for the film, particularly in relation to Peter’s character and the high school setting. Asked if the film includes direct nods to Hughes, Watts said, “Oh, yes. Definitely. So many.”