93% so far - Looking good

The cynical side of me was worried that Sony would still find a way to fuck this up. I also had my reservations about Jon Watts. I liked Cop Car but I really did not like Clown. Feels good to have those worries slowly evaporate. I don't think I could have dealt with four misfires in a row.


Not everyone wanting to see it will see eye to eye with most critics, but it looks like Marvel - they had control, right? - has another winner. And whether the rating goes up or down (it was at 94% earlier today), the bottom line is this movie is getting rave reviews. So I hear you, it feels great that a Spider-Man movie is being praised once again... So much so some are arguing that this is the best Spidey yet.


Most reviews seem to be of the opinion that it's at the very least the best since Spider-Man 2, which is a tough act to beat (that train scene is still one of the greatest action sequences in CBM history). Though assuming Holland's performance is in keeping with his performance in Civil War, it will definitely be the best Parker/Spidey portrayal to date.


Agreed. Holland was terrific in Civil War and I can't wait to see how well he does in his own movie.


Same here. It's great to hear how his standalone movie is receiving high praises.


Definitely earned. The movie certainly isn't perfect, I had a few problems with it, but it's not a bad movie by any stretch of the imagination and is a great return after three duds in a row.


It automatically gets social justice points from the left-wing critic cabal for changing white characters into blacks or latinos. And the MCU reviews are already typically wildly inflated. They had three bonafide stinkers in Iron Man 3, Age of Ultron and Thor 2 which still garnered fresh reviews. The critical system is broken and is just not worth looking at.


Please keep your butthurt conspiracy nonsense off my threads. Thanks.


I think you have a misguided approach on how to read RT scores ,93% in RT doesn't mean 9.3/10 .RT's tomatometer gives the ratio of critics who liked the movie in percent .For ex if there are a total of 5 critics out of 5 who have given >=2/5 or >=B- then the RT score will be 100 % not the weighted mean of scores given by the critics ,just whether they like it or not.So fresh means more than 60% of the critics liked the movie .Doesn't mean they give 6/10 .So 93% critics have liked the movie ,seems reasonable considering A- cinemascore .On the other hand when you look at the average rating for Spiderman:Homecomming its 7.6/10 which I personally feel is commensurate .
Similarly thor 2 and Ultron have an average rating of 6.2(66%) and 6.7(75%) which i think is fairly accurate .
The dark knight has a RT of score 94% ,fairly close to the RT score of SH at 93% but its average rating is 8.6/10 suggesting its a better quality movie .
This is specifically the reason why RT is often a better indicator to judge whether to see a movie or not when compared to meta critic .


Pretty much anything JediJones says is misguided.
