Misty Knight

She should get an Easter egg in this film. Plus Tony Stark will be in this right? He does provide her with a bionic arm after some bombing in NYC. Maybe it'll be part of the plot in the film and then she can show up in Iron Fist with the abilities


Iron Fist comes before this in March, but I don't believe the Defenders will so maybe if it happens that's when it will.


You are right. This is just how I would do it. Defender's will most likely be released after the summer of 2017


this one will be busy enough already.



I don't think she will because even though I would like all of this to happen, she won't show up again until Defender's so that's after Iron Fist and Spider-Man. I just think this would be a nice idea if they wanted to be a little closer to the comics


I do think it's time that they Marvel Filmverse acknowledges the Netflixverse as existing in the same universe...

Is there really a reason why Tony Stark would choose an inexperienced teen over the older Lawyer who seems to know what he's doing? Maybe because the Blind Superhero doesn't exist alongside the Avengers...

It's time to acknowledge there existence, so, maybe Downey Jr. might appear in the Defenders instead and play out that plot point.


Because Spider-Man is swinging across NYC in broad daylight and Daredevil is stealthily beating up criminals at night in Hell's Kitchen. It's not too hard to believe that Tony Stark doesn't even know of Daredevil's existence.


Good call.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.
