MovieChat Forums > Ray Donovan (2013) Discussion > This show is produced so sloppily lately...

This show is produced so sloppily lately.

Some of the storytelling is so ridiculously foolish and disorganized. It just seems slapped together. I feel like there are fragments of the show that don't gel together. It's as if they were forgotten and then the writers said "oh wait! We forgot about this storyline, we need to add it in here!"

-We are introduced to Hector, who's going to help Ray, then all of a sudden he's locked in an incest struggle with his psycho sister? At least he offed that despicable tw@t. So now Ray is helping HIM? I seriously doubt he will throw the fight, which will give us a reason to have another sloppy session next year.

-The bit with Mickey walking onto an airplane with $2M cash....UNDETECTED?!? Did he toss a few bucks to the TSA before he boarded? Then he discovers a black stripper who resembles his ex, she happens to know a bookie who loses to Mickey in a ping pong game, and Mickey happens to be a ping pong champ? It feels forced and nonsensical. When Fat Ernie (the bookie) was found dead on the toilet, it looked odd. It looks like the actor was sitting straight up, closed his eyes, and held his breath to appear dead. That one short scene could've been produced far better than this.

-The Russian boss is NOT convincing as a Russian. He doesn't even seem intimidating. It's like the writers and actors are just going through the motions.

-Connor, Bridgette and Abby. Enough said. At least they're leaving. Hopefully we won't see them again.

There's more that I can't think of right now, but the editing seems rushed in various scenes. There's not enough time to take in the shot. And please, ENOUGH of that UGLY sepia-yellow filter in all the scenes! It's literally soaking everything like a full pickle jar.

I hate to complain because I love the premise. Schreiber and Voight are excellent actors and are the best parts of the show. There's a fifth season next year. Hopefully they can get back on track and make it more like season one.


most of your points are covered extensively on other threads on this board


Says someone who has never produced anything.


I'm awaiting the "It's a tv show, it's fiction" replies....


I won't say that necessarily but it IS a TV show. There is not a TV show out there where you do not have to suspend disbelief over many things.

I have observed that it is too easy to criticize someone over something you really know nothing about. Like the OP.

I just let that stuff wash over me. I don't feel the need to come here and show everyone how smart I am because Mickey getting on an airplane with $2,000,000 in cash is very unlikely.

Who cares?


Just how did he get a bag will 2 mill in cash thru the TSA scanner without any questions at all? Not likely.


Yes. As I said. Very unlikely.


Agreed. It's like the script writers were just phoning it in, very boring.
