
Doesn't really qualify as SPOILER ALERT cos its just speculation, but take it on board ...

Pretty sure we will find out at the start of the next season that Bridget is dead - the Russians having got her in NY.


Hmmm. Maybe.

I'm not sure why the writers decided to send her away to NY at this specific time of the show.

Hopefully, something will come from the need to send Bridget to NY during the season finale.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


We can only hope this happens... The writers have clearly run out of ideas for her character


I thought she was a goner during that celebration, glad the writers didn't take that obvious route though.

If anyone needs to be killed off it should be Connor, he's 10x worse than Briget


I can't believe that anyone would think or want Bridget to die in the beginning of the next or any other time. Abby will be in mourning for the rest of the show's run. If you can't deal with Abby now...

Anyway, one dead Bridget is enough.

Holy cow! That just reminded me of the Two Bridgets dream Ray had in the opener of this season


How does one get into NYU after transferring out of a school because you're with your rapper boyfriend when he gets murdered, you do drugs and have an affair with your teacher, you run away from home and play your guitar on Venice Beach? Maybe she wrote a great personal essay...
