"Are we Good, Ray ?" asks Hector
"No" says Ray "We may be a lot of things but good isn't one of them"...or something along those lines. Brilliant dialogue
Too late to die Young
"No" says Ray "We may be a lot of things but good isn't one of them"...or something along those lines. Brilliant dialogue
Too late to die Young
Best part of the finale was that scene with Ray and Hector. Ray was really hoping Father Romero was right about Hector. It would have given him more hope about his own ability to change and seek redemption. But Hector turns out to be a cold-hearted selfish son of a b!tch. Ray no longer sees any hope in him and will use him like any other prick he works for.
Conversely, Mickey has almost become a good guy. Not so small-mindedly selfish as he was in earlier seasons. The awareness that his family have real serious problems has rather belatedly gotten thru' to him and in his own way, he seems to be coming thru' for them.
Going to the cops a few episodes ago and "taking the rap" for the murders came after he realised that Abby was seriously ill.
Jon Voigt's performance as this over-age "Jack the Lad" hoodlum is awesome. You can see him use his many many years of acting experience to give Mickey a little depth and humanity, although not too much, hopefully. We wouldn't want Mickey joining the Holy Joes gang.
Too late to die Young