MovieChat Forums > 2016: Obama's America (2012) Discussion > Why do Americans confuse Totalitarianism...

Why do Americans confuse Totalitarianism with Socialism

I often hear people warning that Obama will eventually lead the US into socialism. Obviously this is totally over the top and exaggerated, but I can't even understand the thinking behind it. If anything, he might follow a left/liberal agenda that people might not agree with, but it's far from being socialist. I guess in Europe you'd could call him a social democrat if you want. HUGE different from a socialist.

I don't understand why in the US (and perhaps elsewhere) a lot of people don't seem to differentiate between Socialism, Social Democracy, Totalitarianism. I know a lot of people do make those distinctions, but I don't get my head around the whole line of thinking. I guess there's some cultural difference here I'm not aware of. Please, help me to get my head around it.

Would a true liberal be for the Patriot Act, Drone Strikes in Pakistan, The NDAA ect?


Many in America have been raised to associate socialism in any form with the commies. It's been ingrained to the point where many refuse to acknowledge any good that might come from certain social programs.





one of my friends told me over the phone that some of the people in Russia where celebrating Obama's victory while waving their communist flags.

Who needs actual proof right? The "friend of a friend told me" argument is rock solid in Republican minds!

Seriously though, you guys fought Communism for 70 would think you would actually you know...KNOW something about it. Pathetic.

Here's a quick hint: having governmental programs in place to help the poor and the elderly is not Communism. You're welcome.


I might add, would a liberal support keeping Guantanamo open, selling guns to Mexico, longer military involvement in Afghanistan? Would a liberal exclude critical reporters from covering the White House?


Obama is not a liberal, why do Americans abuse language like that?

The Progressive wing of the Democrats are as far left as Canada's NDP or Britain's LibDems, plus many others. Obama supports hate speech laws, demonizes FOX which is far more balanced than NBC, opposes voter ID. AG Eric Holder is racist and covering up the Fast & Furious scandal.

Nothing liberal about Obama's America, as 2016 shows. Check out Hating Breitbart when it hits DVD/web.

This user name expires November 6


demonizes FOX which is far more balanced than NBC

HA!'s an in-depth analysis on the pervassive right wing bias which permeates Fox News:

...not only is Fox News extremely is also incredibly inefficient at it's MAIN job: informing viewers about the issues. udy_n_1538914.html

This study found that not only are Fox News viewers the LEAST informed viewers (compared to those that watch other news channels) but also that they are less informed than people who watch NO news!


Fox News SHOULD be demonized by anyone with a working brain...


Fox News is the most balance they actually have liberals on all the time to defend there side of the issues. MSNBC is the worst offender.

Your taking a poll from the Huffingtonpost seriously? Liberals are the worst offenders when it comes to polls. You would actually have to know the questions that were asked and political leanings of the person who wrote the questions. You would also ask the person how they knew the answer to the questions. Even the way the study was done on average each person only got 1 questions out of 5 right.

I actually have one statistic that is true. Republicans donate more time, money, and blood than liberals and democrats do hand over fist. FYI: the money part doesn't matter regardless of wealth republicans give more money.

You can even look it up yourself every poll done proves this is true. Liberals come to the same conclusions and try to argue it away.


Fox News is the most balance they actually have liberals on all the time to defend there side of the issues. MSNBC is the worst offender.

Your taking a poll from the Huffingtonpost seriously? Liberals are the worst offenders when it comes to polls. You would actually have to know the questions that were asked and political leanings of the person who wrote the questions. You would also ask the person how they knew the answer to the questions. Even the way the study was done on average each person only got 1 questions out of 5 right.

I actually have one statistic that is true. Republicans donate more time, money, and blood than liberals and democrats do hand over fist. FYI: the money part doesn't matter regardless of wealth republicans give more money.

You can even look it up yourself every poll done proves this is true. Liberals come to the same conclusions and try to argue it away.

What fantasy world are you living in?


Fox is more balanced than NBC???

I'm sorry, but that's just seeing it from a right wing perspective. Of course NBC has a left wing bias, but they are as far to the left as Fox is to the right. This coming from someone firmly planted in the middle.


Recall how uninformed people were during those Tea Party rallies? For example, Obama is Hitler because Hitler was for socialized health care??? This is what we remember best about Hitler?

The discourse on Socialism is so misguided and erroneous that it is hard to figure where one should begin. And it certainly has nothing to do with totalitarianism.

Films are not reality. Reality is not film. Film is only an approximation of reality.


Obama has also murdered more innocent children than anyone in U.S. history, signed legislation allowing him to arrest or even kill American citizens without evidence or trial, wants to strip law abiding citizens of being able to defend themselves with the same type of weapons that could be used against them (weapons they would need to defend against a totalitarian government).

The fact that anyone that doesn't despise America is still supporting is astonishing (and those that do vocally despise America tend to like him, btw...and that's not a coincidence).

Of course I'm sure the Obama zombies have their ridiculous defenses lined up for all of that is either untrue (even though they're facts and not opinions) or why they're somehow acceptable.

He also donates our money and weapons to our enemies, for anyone that's missed that interesting tidbit.

He's far closer to Hitler or Stalin than he is to any good American leader.

And don't even bother with this "Oh I'm in the middle I'm not an extreme leftist or right-winger" crap, the fact is if you still can't see how overwhelmingly corrupt and phony this many is by now, you are blind as a bat and you are a danger to this country.

All of this is obvious to any sensible person paying the least bit of attention without having to watch this movie.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature!



If you love Jesus Christ


Time's yours...


wants to strip law abiding citizens of being able to defend themselves with the same type of weapons that could be used against them

Too late. NFA was signed by Roosevelt, GCA by Johnson.


Why do Americans confuse Totalitarianism with Socialism?

Because the Americans (not all of us) who say that Obama is a socialist either 1) don't know what a socialist is and/or 2) can't spell the word 'socialist'.

Hope that helps. :-)
