Pathetic documentary
I actually got around to watching it last week, and although I had low expectations, it was even weaker tea than I thought. All the tired old myths about Obama on the right dusted off. D'Sousa takes so much out of context from Dreams From My Father that he's obviously counting on rthis viewers having never read it. I guarantee that 99.9% of the fans of this flick have never read a page of Obama's books. If you did, you'd know that the whole point of Dreams of My Father is that Obama is tracing his path from confused young man in which he did dabble around with some leftist academics (gee what a crime!), before he settled on his path to moderate liberalism. No one except idiots would think that the way he actually governed has been in any way radical.
I'm actually surprised what a weak case D'Sousa makes. He finds very few people who actually knew/know Obama, and many of his subjects are openly anti-Obama partisans. And for all the talk of "using Obama's own words", D'Sousa actually does most of the talking and speculating without any citations. If I was grading it I'd flunk him.