I NEVER lost my Anthem Blue Cross after Obamacare came out and I got to KEEP my doctor! Obama told me the 100% truth and now he is helping more people get covered than at any time in U.S. history!
EVERY western democracy has universal health care and so should we! Obamacare isn't total UHC but it's the closest we've EVER come! You disgusting Repukes need to stop living in the 12th century and your Jesus is a MYTH! Obamacare ROCKS!
Of course you do. It doesn't cost you anything. You benefit at the expense of somebody else you don't know, or care about. All you do is benefit from it, and take from people that worked hard, succeeded in life, pay for their own ****ing health care, and the taxes that Obama gives to you. You're a ****ing leech. Of course you love it. But Obama's approval has dropped below 40% recently because of this bull**** program you love. He ****ed up. Face it.
This is a communist power grab, nothing more. A way to sap the independence of the American people, and make them more dependent on government. One of the vital steps on the road to dictatorship. I'm sure you'll enjoy it when it comes, because you won't have to (or be able to) think for yourself at all. In our discussions you've shown many times that you are completely incapable of thinking for yourself. However, I and many other freedom loving Americans are capable of thinking, and working, and deciding, and living for OURSELVES!! We don't want dictatorship. So **** you and your bull**** Obamacare. It ain't right.
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There MUST be minimum standards set for health insurance to prevent insurance companies from doing A YTHING they want! I did get kicked off my insurance once but it was in the early 2000s under Bush. I had to pay more to get my policy back and then it went up AGAIN in 2005!
Thanks to Obama my premiums are now steady and my family and I can keep our doctors! The USA Today even had a recent article on how health care costs are SLOWING for the first time in DECADES! To complete my own age of you the best healthcare systems on earth have government oversight to prevent abuses!
That's not making health care more affordable. It's simply making somebody harder working, better educated, and more responsible pay for it. That's ALL Obamacare is. These savings you are seeing, who is paying for it? You don't know, and you don't care. That's liberal America today. What can I get? What more can I take from a loose government that doesn't give a **** about the economic well-being of America, only the votes of those living a slightly better life paid for by good and decent people perpetually getting screwed over by it.
So because Obama wants to push a bull****, job killing, socialist agenda on a nation built on personal responsibility, self-reliance, hard work, entrepreneurship and ingenuity, over a million people have been out of work so long that their unemployment benefits are going to expire.
My guess is that Obama, being the supreme dumbass that he is, will simply throw more of other peoples money at these poor folks to sit on ass and do nothing productive all day long. Further sapping their work ethic, and driving them further into the embracing arms of Democrat dependency (I'd prefer to call it slavery, which is what it is).
How about instead, he return us to those principles that built the strongest, most prosperous nation on Earth, and get these people BACK TO WORK!!!! His approval rating might break 50 if he did. But he won't, because his sole purpose in the white house is to take power, and independence away from conservative people, and give it to people whose votes can be bought with other peoples money.
**** Obama, **** Obamacare. One more chip on the road to communist dictatorship in America, once the greatest promise of freedom and self-determination on planet Earth. Happy trails douche bag. I'm sure you'll enjoy not ever having to, or being able to, think for yourself. Sheep.
Every civilized western nation has UHC and we are the last to not have it. Every successful healthcare system either has an exchange or single payer.
Look at you local school district. You MUST pay taxes to them even if you have NO kids or if they go to private school yet there is no mass revolt about that. Every successful healthcare system either has a tax or fee unless you are very poor.
There MUST be minimum standards set for health insurance to prevent insurance companies from doing ANYTHING they want! I did get kicked off my insurance once but it was in the early 2000s under Bush. I had to pay more to get my policy back and then it went up AGAIN in 2005!
Thanks to Obama my premiums are now steady and my family and I can keep our doctors! The USA Today even had a recent article on how health care costs are SLOWING for the first time in DECADES! To complete my ownage of you the best healthcare systems on earth have government oversight to prevent abuses!
The disgusting Repukes aren't against Medicare or Medicaid rather they are only against exchanges! They are such ignorant fools they don't realize that ALL successful health care systems on earth either have an exchange or single payer!
THE GOP IS DOOMED BY SIMPLY BEING THE PARTY OF "NO"! They do NOT believing in helping the common man and have no alternative healthcare plan pending in Congress! Obamacare is here to STAY!
6 million people have signed up for Obamacare on the exchanges and Medicaid. You haters know there is NO WAY that will be taken away. Calls to repeal it have disappeared in Congress and that won't go anywhere anyway!
2.1 million have signed up on the exchanges for private plans and another 4 million have signed up for Medicaid which makes it about 6 million. Obamacare is here to STAY and you know it!
You crybabies are just like the losers on the "White People Mourning Romney" site!
Only a small minority lost their insurance. Most people get insurance through their employer and aren't affected. Everyone I know got to keep our doctor AND insurance and have steady premiums for the first time! I don't have to worry about a massive increase like I had in 2005 when insurance companies could do ANYTHING they wanted!
We needed oversight like every other western democracy! Even the USA Today just reported how health care costs are SLOWING for the first time in DECADES! You pathetic haters are OWNED! Obamacare or single payer is here to STAY!
Obama lied by saying Obamacare is not a tax. The uninsured before the cancellations are still uninsured. idiots like the op keep cheerleading this stupid law. Plus many people found out that the healthcare plan they liked, they could not keep it. If you refuse it, you will be taxed. Young people dont want it.
PS. Megafauna is a troll. I have her/him/it on "ignore."
That's not the way. When fauny says stupid **** (quite often) challenge him on it. When he balks (which he will), just keep harping on him. He says stuff all the time he absolutely can't defend, and when you challenge him on it, he dodges, weaves, or runs away. It's hilarious. Kids do that. It's their way.
Fauny tries to be a grownup sometimes though, and he needs to be put in his place. Sadly, I've chased him off so many threads that he rarely engages anymore. On account of his rank cowardice. But oh well. It was fun while it lasted.
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What the hell does all this have to do with Obamacare? I can prove you scumbags are a bunch of racists with Klan hoods who go to Aryan Brotherhood meetings and only mingle with WHITE TRASH!
Look at the prominent Republicans and conservatives who were in FAVOR of national healthcare WITH a mandate!
1. Richard Nixon 2. Bob Dole 3. The Heritage Foundation
Yet when the black guy brings it up they are SUDDENLY against it! You racist pigs! Don't forget all of Romney ' s gaffes and how Obama OWNED him the last 2 debates! Politifact also said Romney had the biggest LIE of the campaign by saying Jeep was moving jobs to China when they themselves said they were NOT!
You guys are just a bunch of butthurt racist LOSERS!
Ah. I was wrong. He picked #1 and #2 instead. Oh well, now he's dug himself an even deeper ditch. Y'all really should stop posting crap you can't possibly defend. It only serves to show how ignorant, stupid, lazy, and useless you are. You keep shredding your own credibility (if ever you had any) like that and nobody that matters will listen to anything you have to say, and in fact will likely believe just the opposite. I'm starting to think Fauny is the biggest conservative on these boards. As if perhaps he is trying to play the liberal fool, to make crazy-left loons look stupid (as if they needed any help). I simply can find no other explanation for all the stupid **** he says. But for now, lets assume he is actually serious about what he says, despite how comical it is. He of course might simply be the buffoon he appears to be.
1. Richard Nixon 2. Bob Dole 3. The Heritage Foundation
It was a dumb idea when these people said it to. They were white. So that slaps your 'proof' (I love how loosely you use that word fauny) right back down again.
I can prove you scumbags are a bunch of racists with Klan hoods who go to Aryan Brotherhood meetings and only mingle with WHITE TRASH!
Alright. Let's here it. Where is your proof fauny? I'm not going to let that go until you do one of the following:
1. Come forward with irrefutable evidence that I harbor race based bigotry, or 2. Admit that statement was total and complete bull****, and apologize to me for being such a wanker.
I eagerly await your response.
Don't forget all of Romney ' s gaffes
All that shows is that Romney is a dumbass politician too. Doesn't erase the fact that Obama is as well. You just can't stand that somebody who doesn't give a **** about Republicans also hates your God-King Obama as well. It has nothing to do with Politics, it has to do with Obama and how badly he is ****ing up this country.
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The bottom line is Republicans in Congress and the Republican masses did NOT object en masse to a health care mandate when Nixon and Dole brought it up! MANY CONGRESSIONAL REPUBLICANS FAVORED IT BUT WHEN THE BLACK GUY BRINGS IT UP THEY DON'T WANT IT!
Obamacare or single payer is here to stay you redneck losers!
That didn't sound like much of an apology to me. You accused me of being a racist. Despite what you may think, that is a pretty serious accusation since race based hatred is truly vile. I'll not stand for it. Because I am not a racist, I'll once again ask that you do one of the following:
1. Come forward with irrefutable evidence that I harbor race based bigotry, or 2. Admit that statement was total and complete bull****, and apologize to me for being such a wanker.
Why not give being a decent human being a chance for once. You may find you enjoy it, and it will surely make you a better person. But perhaps that ship sailed long ago.
This is just too funny. This guy accuses everybody in sight of being a racist because they trash Obama over things that have NOTHING to do with race. Then, while checking up on previous threads I've visited. I come across this. Regarding Will Smith in a thread called "Never Worked with a Black Director" fauny said:
LOL..maybe Will doesn't like most blacks. It seems he used to make fun of Janet Hubert's dark skin to the audience before the taping of Fresh Prince. How messed up is that? Will Smith is a racist!
So tell me this fauny. Why do you automatically assume that just because Will Smith is black, he has to automatically like certain people simply because of the color of their skin.
You are the racist one, and you can't even see it. You make assumptions about people and their behavior based solely on skin color, that is the very essence of a bigot. Like so VERY many lefties in this country, who have no moral qualms about throwing terms like 'racist' at anybody that disagrees with them simply for political reasons, you are the one who seems to have an inherent inability to look past the color of somebody's skin. Why?
What say you, kid? I really want to hear how you defend that statement. Because you insist on so hypocritically calling anybody that dislikes Obama a racist, KKK, Clan Hood, whatever, you are obligated to defend your own bigotry. If you don't respond with an adequete explanation, I will keep asking. So do us all a favor and entertain us with your socio-political acumen.
Yeah, Ben Carson, Allen West and Hermain Cain must look a bit out of place once they take their hoods off at those Klan rallies.
Fauny would call them 'Uncle Toms'. He does that a lot. In his racist mind, if a black man doesn't act stereotypically black, and tow the liberal line day in and day out without question, there is something wrong with him. He's one of the worst bigots I've ever come across, and he has the gall to call other people racist just because they harbor legitimate concerns about Obama. The guy is a ****ing joke. If he's older than 12 he should be ashamed of himself. Pathetic.