"Obama's legacy is here to stay with the next Democratic president and even GOP weasels have stopped asking in Congress for Obamacare to be repealed!"
Yeah, because Obama is basically repealing Obamacare. At least until 2016 for many Americans because he knows that voters will take out their anger on the Dems at the polls once they see how badly Obama screwed them.
By then, Obama will be long gone, along with the Beard/Tranny wife of his and leaving a trail of destruction for the Dems and Americans behind to deal with while he's in Hawaii laughing at all the low-information voters/idiots that were stupid enough to buy into his laughable BS that voted for this overly hyped community organizer whose biggest responsibility in life was driving skid row bums to the polls in exchange for Cigs and cheap booze.
"No, no, no -- you get your Newports and your bottle of Night Train after you vote a straight Dem ticket, not before. Remember what happened the last time?"
Then there's this:
“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.”
Amazing. People were stupid enough to believe such tripe. WTF kind of dope were/are you low-information voters on?
Bath salts?
Of course, "generations from now" Obama will no longer be around and won't have to answer to this utterly laughable "promise" of being "absolutely certain" that this was the starting point when all of these insane promises were made and of course, never kept because most were based on false premises and he had no intentions of keeping any that were remotely realistic.
If we had a real media instead of DNC cheerleaders, they would have laughed this charlatan off of the podium for such narcissistic, grandiose, delusional speeches and promises and ripped him in the media.
In fact, they would have strongly suggested that he seek psychological help.
He makes Ron Paul look absolutely sane by comparison.
The fact that a majority of voters bought into this utter BS while chanting "Yes we can" over and over like a bunch of brain dead zombies shows how far our country has sunk over the last 20+ years.
Gotta be Bath salts. What else can explain it?
I remember when we had a real President. One that would go to the Soviet Union and bitch-slap their leader and won the cold war without a single casualty or without a single shot fired.
And also freed 10's of Millions of people from several decades of oppression in Eastern Europe.
Every major city in Eastern Europe has a statue of Ronald Reagan in their town square and consider him a hero.
Because he is.
Yet Obama gets a Nobel Peace Prize based on his intentions.
Meanwhile, the body count in Afghanistan is on pace to surpass the one in Iraq for US soldiers. Oddly, the US media has lost interest in their nightly reporting of that number since Obama took office.
No agenda there though, right?
And imagine Obama going to Russia and negotiating with Putin?
That little twink would wet and $#!T himself and sign over half of our country, then come back proclaiming victory and hold a press conference and talk about himself for an hour while being all coked-up.
And the media along with the LIV's would lap it up like a dog lapping up its own vomit and telling themselves it tastes just great.
Yep. Bath salts.