MovieChat Forums > 2016: Obama's America (2012) Discussion > Baby boomers flocking to Obamacare! (lin...

Baby boomers flocking to Obamacare! (link)

You right wing haters are OWNED again! Boomers are signing up for Obamacare in droves!

The seemingly never-ending pursuit of health insurance is finally over for a number of aging Americans who were left jobless during the recession.

As The Associated Press reports, the Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare, has made a big impact on those "unwanted by employers, rejected by insurers, struggling to cover rising medical costs and praying to reach Medicare age before a health crisis."

Doctor sitting in office with patient talking and smiling © Paul Bradbury, OJO Images, Getty ImagesThese people in their 50s and early 60s have been signing up in droves to buy health insurance through the state and federal online marketplaces, where they'll find several tiers of plans and learn if they're eligible for a federal tax credit to help them afford the premiums.

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!



It's REALITY! Those numbers are real! GOP is owned yet again!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!



You are racist. BOOM REPORTED for your anti democrat views!

Formerly known as QuietlyFly



Obamacare is here to stay! Just like how the GOP was against Social Security and Medicare yet those are mainstays!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Just like how the GOP was against Social Security and Medicare yet those are mainstays!

Before Social Security:
National Debt $28 Billion - <40% of GDP (during a depression, mind)

After 80 years of Social Security:
National Debt $17 TRILLION! - >75% of GDP

Now fauny. For the first time in your life, try to assess the COST of this government bull**** you revere so much. You are a mindless sheep with no honesty in you at all, so I don't expect you to even try. You really should though. It's for your own good kid.

You don't give a **** about the debt because you are firmly convinced it will never cost you anything. As long as you keep voting for morally bankrupt democrats who have no problem throwing away this countries wealth to buy their own political support, you will never have to worry about anything, despite the cost to decent people. If you keep voting democrat, they will have the political clout to sieze wealth from the people that created it. What you don't understand, is that that pool is NOT INEXHAUSTIBLE. There is a limit to what the democrats can tax, borrow. When that is gone, the economy will completely collapse.

You know who will get hurt the worst when that happens? The ones dependent on the government (you, and your entitlement ilk). Those that have jobs, and have skills, and have ways of being valuable might survive. Unfortunately the dregs will get desparate when the government can't take care of them anymore, and surely some charismatic, anti-wealth, liberal ***hole will stir everybody to violence, and plunge this nation into abject chaos. That's the end-game of the big government crowd. Even if they don't yet know it. This is the REAL reason you rant on so incessantly about 'gun control'. Because when the money runs out, and the desparation of the dependent grows, they will try to sieze what the wealthy have, and if those folks don't have guns to defend what is rightly theirs, it will be easier for your type to steal it. So stop pretending it's about Columbine and Sandy Hook you ****ing rat. You don't give a **** about that, and you know it.



Keep dreaming FOOLS!

Herb and Griffin, why don't you 2 try and show that you aren't racist rednecks and actually try and FIX Obamacare the same way Dems help fixed Medicare Part D (a disaster) that Bush rolled out? We ALL need healthcare and EVERY western nation has some type of UHC but us until Obamacare! It is something presidents have been trying to do for 100 years and now we finally have it!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


We ALL need healthcare

A couple thousand years ago, people got along just fine without government mandated health insurance. You know how? THEY TOOK CARE OF THEMSELVES!!! They ate healthy, nutritious foods, they exercised all the time. Times have changed, and so must we, but not in the 'let's become a fat lazy unhealthy slack-ass' kind of way. People apparently need incentives to remain healthy. Eat healthy foods, and exercise regulary, and you won't need health care nearly as much. The VAST majority of ailments treated under Obamacare are perfectly preventable. Why should I have to pay for the horrid life choices others CHOOSE to make.

I'm 32 years old. I weigh 165 pounds and am about 6'. I eat lots of fruits, almonds, beans, lean chicken, fish (not fried) and other whole, natural foods. I go to the gym and exercise 4-5 times a week, and do my best to engage in active hobbies to the extent possible. I virtually never get sick anymore.

It is simply not fair to ask me or anybody else to pay exhorbatant amounts of money to provide health care to people who DON'T CARE ABOUT THEMSELVES ENOUGH TO KEEP A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. I value my life, and take steps to insure it MYSELF! Those that don't, don't deserve my support.

So **** off about UHC. It's bull****. Let unhealthy people die, and there will be fewer of them. That's how you solve the problem. That's how NATURE has solved the problem for millenia. Human beings today are the most un-natural creatures the world has ever seen. Send the message that if you don't take steps to keep yourself fit and healthy, it will COST YOU! If you say to those same people that you can be as unhealthy as you want, and somebody else will pay for the problems it causes, what choice do you think they will make!

try and show that you aren't racist rednecks

I've already told you I'm not. You can't prove I am. I've shown ample evidence to show that you are indeed quite racist, in ways you simply don't understand. Will Smith does not have to act a certain way just because of the color of his skin. A decent person understands this, you do not. Racist.

So here's what you need to do, kid. Tell me exactly what it is about this post that you find racist? Be specific, and do make an attempt to use your brain for a change.


I've got an Olympic weight bench and work out too plus I am mostly vegetarian BUT everyone still needs healthcare! Okinawa and Japan have the highest life expectancy on earth and they have a SINGLE payer system that is considered one of the world's best!

Even if you stay fit you still need a yearly checkup, preventitive care, blood tests, dental care, etc. Obamacare covers most of that! Plus it's not realistic for Americans to take care of themselves with all the fast food junk and all you can eat buffets around! And you can't force millions of lazy people to work out!Obamacare is here to STAY!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Plus it's not realistic for Americans to take care of themselves with all the fast food junk and all you can eat buffets around! And you can't force millions of lazy people to work out

Don't celebrate that fact. That is a BAD thing. Making me pay for it is not going to make it better. It will in fact make it worse.

Even if you stay fit you still need a yearly checkup, preventitive care, blood tests, dental care, etc.

I could challenge your use of the word 'need', but I'll let that slide. Definitely a 'should' situation. The crap I don't want to pay for, and what us taxpayers WILL have to pay for is Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, all of which is largely preventable with a healthy lifestyle. I simply can't stomach the idea of taxpayers shelling out hundreds of thousands of dollars to prolong the life of a government dependent, drug addicted slob who has no job, and produces nothing but foul odors and medical bills for this country. Such people will be the beneficiaries of Obamacare. I'm sure some good and decent people will also benefit, but you can help those people without the massive overhaul and, let's face it, government power grab that Obamacare is.

I await with bated breath evidence of your repeated claims that I am some kind of racist. If you cannot produce it, I'll ask that you stop with that crap. I still hold out hope that you can carry on a civilized conversation without that nonsense.


Even Republicans agree that the health care system was broken and needed fixing. Even pro GOP nuts like Hannity and Gingrich say the GOP can't simply be against Obama like Herb is but they need a plan of their own. Considering the CBO will objectively analyze any plan submitted the GOP will be laughed out of the room when it's revealed their plan is garbage!

Even the healthiest nations on earth like Japan have UHC as part of taking care of your health. The ACA is closest we've had. Considering China and India don't have UHC the ACA is the largest health care undertaking in the HISTORY of the planet so there will be problems but they'll be worked out just like Medicare and Social Security worked out their problems!

There is reason the GOP hasn't submitted an alternative plan to the ACA. They DON'T believe in helping the average American! If the GOP doesn't have a VIABLE alternative they are doomed! Most Republicans agree that simply bashing Obama isn't enough!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


I simply can't abide supporting a BAD plan, simply for lack of a better plan. That doesn't do us any good. I think we agree (for once) that the conservatives must come up with a better plan, rather than simply trashing Obamacare. I, for one, believe they can, and should, do both at the same time. e-inequality-union-report-says/

The conservatives may not have a better plan just yet, but this crap needs to go. The minute good it will do, is not worth the trillions and trillions it will end up costing the taxpayers (for which very few of them will be compensated).
