MovieChat Forums > 2016: Obama's America (2012) Discussion > More proof Obamacare is working + here t...

More proof Obamacare is working + here to stay!

You haters are OWNED yet again! Feel free to move to China or North Korea where there is no national health care!

WASHINGTON (AP) — With just three weeks left to sign up under President Barack Obama's health care law, a major survey tracking the rollout finds that the uninsured rate keeps going down.

The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, released Monday, found that 15.9 percent of U.S. adults are uninsured thus far in 2014, down from 17.1 percent for the last three months — or calendar quarter— of 2013.

That translates roughly to 3 million to 4 million people getting coverage.

Gallup said the share of Americans who lack coverage is on track to drop to the lowest quarterly level it measured since 2008, before Obama took office.

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


What did it cost? Though I doubt you care. Not your money.

You know what else they have in North Korea. Really harsh gun control. A paradise for you fauny. You should go check it out. Nobody will shoot you there, right?


Sarah retard Palin just got OWNED at CPAC by saying more are now uninsured than before Obamacare while Gallup and any OBJECTIVE source clearly says the uninsured have gone DOWN since Obama took office!

Herb your gun masturbation fantasy dies when you realize around 200 MILLION Americans don't own a gun and gun ownership is at its lowest rate in DECADES! They are simply devices of death and destruction and people like you have blood on your hands! Over 6 BILLION people get along just fine without a gun!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Over 6 BILLION people get along just fine without a gun!

I'm sure the thousands and thousands of North Koreans rotting in misery in prison camps for committing absolutely no real crime of any kind would wholeheartedly disagree with you. Provided of course they weren't scared and brainwashed out of their minds by a repugnant government that doesn't allow them the freedom to defend themselves. Those poor people live in a REAL world, filled to the brim with REAL evil, and REAL aggression. Not like the hippie bubble you were raised in. Your folks really screwed you up.

Private guns have long been a source of great deterrent power against government oppression. In the age of Obama, that is a just and growing concern. Of course you could never admit that to yourself. The ONLY reason you spout endless drivel about gun control is that you FAVOR government oppression. You want the would be socialist dictators you support to be able to force their brand of social justice on hard-working Americans, and know that if they are unarmed that task will be astronomically easier to achieve. That's what this is all about, and you'd do well to admit it. You might have a shred of credibility if you did.

I'll note you have absolutely no response to my question about the cost of this drop in uninsured you tout with absolutely no knowledge beyond what the Huffington Post tells you. You did what you always do and changed the subject. Ought to know by now that doesn't work with me, kid. So let's have it. Assess the cost of this 'victory' of yours.

You've seen this one before. Many times. Not once have you been able to counter it in any honest way. I'll give you another chance. Another in a LONG line. That's just because I'm a really nice guy. m-raping-daughter-article-1.1401373

This man had no gun. He committed an absolutely abhorrent act in spite of that. On the other hand, if the woman had owned a gun, carried a gun, been comfortable with a gun, and had taught herself how to defend herself and her daughter with that gun, then perhaps a loving mother would be alive, a child would not have been shattered by a despicable animal that cared nothing for her, and a rapist and murderer might have met a timely and just end. But she was defenseless. Her daughter was defenseless in the face of despicable aggression that you've repeatedly claimed nobody in America needs to fear. Your vaunted police didn't do jack **** to stop this crime from happening. Woman dead, child raped. A handgun and the knowledge and will to use it could have prevented that quite easily.

With animals like this sadistic son of a ***** running free in ever growing numbers all across America, you want me, my family, and everybody else defenseless in the face of barbaric criminals who care nothing for the law, or for the lives, comforts, property, and freedoms of decent law-abiding people.

How do you respond? I've hit your sorry *** with this one and many others like it more times than I can remember. Never once have you been able to come up with an honest counterpoint. You have none.

As always, you will:

1. Change the subject completely.
2. Repeat exactly what you've said before, while adding nothing to whatever argument you may have had to begin with.
3. Call me a redneck or a klansman or some other immature crap with no foundation whatsoever.
4. Duck out like a little *****.

Just so you won't conveniently miss it, I'll ask again. How do you respond?


Herb you retarded MORON! You have been debunked again and again! You cite extremely rare situations that do NOT apply to 99.9% of us! You LOSE because over 6 BILLION people live fine without a gun and even around 200 million Americans are perfectly safe without a gun! My family for DECADES have never had a gun and always been safe! The police and ambulance arrive in 2 to 3 minutes if I need them!

OWNED as always you gun masturbator!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


You cite extremely rare situations

That's a load of bull****. That kind of thing happens ALL THE TIME. When it happens to you, or yours, you won't care if it's rare.

The police and ambulance arrive in 2 to 3 minutes if I need them!

Suppose you can't contact them. Suppose in those 2 to 3 minutes the aggressor decides to kill you. If you have a gun, and know how to use it, you can take care of yourself. That's what I, and millions of Americans, want. Our security, in OUR hands. Not yours, or the police, or the government, or anybody else. That's called independence. It is a good thing. You seem happy being a sheep. Fine. But you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to force that kind of dependency on other people. None of your business. The best of us like to take care of ourselves, and make our own way in the world. It is a trait very common in human beings that you simply do not share. Fine, be a sheep. But stop trying to tell me or anybody else to abide by your sheepish ways. When trouble comes MY way. I'LL deal with it, in MY way. If police were 100% reliable, I'd rely on them. If people were 100% non-hostile, I wouldn't worry about defense. Until both of those things are reality, which they are not, I'll keep my security in my hands, and I'll thank you to mind your own business.

You LOSE because over 6 BILLION people live fine without a gun

My God you are full of ****. How the **** can you, in any HONEST way, attest to the lives of 6 billion people you know NOTHING about. How can you be so dishonest and think you are making a positive impact on the world around you. Human trash, my friend. That's what you are. Uneducated, ill-mannered, ignorant human garbage. You have no idea of the suffering and hardship these 6 Billion people go through. You have NO IDEA if their lives would be made better or worse by owning a personal firearms to defend themselves with. You know absolutely nothing of the real world. You were raised in a liberal bubble. Your parents lied to you constantly about what the world, and what human beings are really like. You will never accept that because it would be too hard for you to see what the world is really like. Pathetic.

OWNED as always you gun masturbator!

Wrong and stupid as always, kid.

By the way, you've still not responded to my repeated requests regarding Kennesaw, GA. You believe so much in your bull**** stats, yet refuse to address them when they don't work in your favor. More of your blatant dishonesty at work. Gun ownership required by law, and crime rates FAR below state and national averages, including areas where 'gun control' is very strict. Explain this paradox fauny. It flied in the face of everything you believe on this subject. Doesn't surprise me at all, because pretty much everything you believe on this subject is dead wrong. So tell me. How is this possible, if anything you've said to date is in fact true? How?

By the by, it's not just Kennesaw. There are small towns and rural communities all over America where a LOT of people keep guns. Never bothers anybody. Nobody ever gets hurt. If guns are evil and turn decent people into murderers and criminals as you believe, then how is this possible? The Swiss have a very high rate of private gun ownership, and among the lowest murder rates in the world. Explain?

Your type never answers for anything. You just spout drivel and then more drivel. ****ing pathetic, kid. The worst of it is that you seem okay being that way. I really hope you don't have influence over anybody young and impressionable. You will probably **** them up just as bad as your parents did to you.


Americans are perfectly safe without a gun!

Getting along just fine, huh. That's a ****ing joke. Look at this and tell me there is nothing for people to fear in this country. ched-for-ipad.cnn.html

This kid could have been killed. Over something as stupid as a dumb*** IPad.

This is human garbage I've been telling you about. It's everywhere. What kind of low, ignorant, poorly raised human garbage punches an 8 year old kid to steal his ****ing IPad. This is the human garbage that people MUST be able to defend themselves against. Unwarranted, and completely unprovoked aggression is a stark reality in America. It always has been, but it is worse now than it ever has been. This guy didn't have a gun. Didn't need one. He victimizes whomever he wants whenever he wants ANYWAY! This scum believes that if a person is defenseless, it is okay to victimize him for whatever reason he likes. What YOU and your idiot friends are trying to do, is make even more people defenseless. That just gives scum like this MORE targets, and EASIER pickings. How the **** do you sleep at night believing this bull**** you believe. It's such nonsense. If some good samaritan had pulled a gun and shot this ***hole, it would be cause for celebration.


Till you do that, **** off. People need to be able to defend themselves, and your phony gun control bull**** does NOTHING useful. It's all, 100% bull****.

I'll say it again. This kind of insane bull**** happens EVERY ****ING DAY! It's EVERYWHERE! Human scum. Complete garbage. Get rid of it, and I'll help you with the gun stuff.

So tell me. Do you still feel righteous about trying to take away my self defense tools when there is trash all over the streets that would punch and 8 year old kid to victimize him over something as trivial as a ****ing IPad! How bout it?

Your turn fauny. Do you have anything new? I only ask because you haven't had anything new in months.


Herb you are nothing but a socially inept uneducated ignorant backwoods redneck! I have DESTROYED every delusional pro gun stand you make and you keep coming back for more humiliation! Only a delusional crackpot like you thinks 30,000 gun deaths a year is safer than only 35! Even the American Journal of Medicine says you're wrong!

Guns do not make a nation safer, say US doctors who have compared the rate of firearms-related deaths in countries where many people own guns with the death rate in countries where gun ownership is rare.

Their findings, published Wednesday in the prestigious American Journal of Medicine, debunk the historic belief among many people in the United States that guns make a country safer, they say. On the contrary, the US, with the most guns per head in the world, has the highest rate of deaths from firearms, while Japan, which has the lowest rate of gun ownership, has the least.

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


So basically, nothing new. The usual. You've 'destroyed' nothing except whatever credibility you ever had as a human being. You are a stubborn imbecile who doesn't understand the world, and you refuse to stand up and offer legitimate counter points to anything that doesn't support your erroneous beliefs. I've given you ample opportunity to do so. You dodge and weave, and never advance anything. Nothing more need be said. You'll never change anything being the way you are, and are apparently happy being a useless sheep.

If you really want me to shred this latest diatribe, I will, but it will be nothing new because I've done it all before. Your paltry offerings haven't changed in months now. You simply can't, or simply won't, learn anything from it. So what's the point kid. You are broken. Plain and simple. Learn how to do this right, and we'll talk about it some more. I'll help you find the error of your ways, but only if you really want to be a better person.


As always Herb you are WRONG and have blood on your hands of all the innocents killed by guns! America has the highest gun ownership rate on earth AND the highest gun DEATH rate of ANY developed nation! Bury your mentally ill head in the sand as much as you want but the REALITY is MORE GUNS=MORE GUN DEATHS=MORE GUN VIOLENCE!

Back to Obamacare! Over 5 million sign ups and it is here to STAY! Herb you show your true colors as a disgusting inbred KKK racist redneck by refusing to give the first black president credit for ANYTHING! Presidents have been trying for over 100 years to get national health care and Obama finally did it!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!



Not true. Here is proof. Actual proof, not your phony baloney version of proof.

Kennesaw, GA:

Guns required in most homes by law. Vast majority of homes have at least one firearm. Violent crime rates routinely 80-90% lower than state and national averages.,_Georgia

You made an absolute statement. Very vehemently, as you often do. I need only find one example to disprove an absolute statement. I just did, so your statement is garbage, as always. I could back it up, by pointing again to Switzerland, but I don't need to, because your statement has already been disproved.

I surmise that more human trash (which we have in excess in this country when taken as a whole) often leads to more gun deaths, and more gun violence. Prove me wrong! Look at the places where all these deaths happen, then look at the people who live there. Gang bangers, drug dealers, drug addicts, and the like. People who don't give a **** about education, and don't give a **** about providing anything of value to their community. You'll see what I mean, once you actually look, which I doubt you ever will because your denial runs so incredibly deep it would shatter your bubble world to take a look, for once, at the REAL world.

So here is my plan, fix the culture. Get the human trash out of our midst, and let decent people live decent lives free of the fear we all are entitled to feel because of the ever growing presence of the human trash heap that has exploded out of control under liberal doctrine for the past 50 years. Do that FIRST, then maybe we won't need guns. Until I know that everybody will be safe without being armed, I will never agree with removing the second amendment, which is the most important freedom we were granted by our illustrious founders, who were a hell of a lot smarter than you could ever hope to be.

I've sent you example after example after example illustrating exactly what I mean. You simply refuse to believe it, because there is no honesty in you at all. You are a brainwashed animal, with no ability or desire to think for yourself, and live for yourself. Just like a common house dog. You've whored yourself to the democratic party so they will 'take care of you', and are happy you've done it. I cannot help you. Nobody can. You are useless human garbage that has no right to tell any decent person how they should live.

So **** off, kid. You can't win this argument. You've tried, and tried, and tried, and only revealed yourself as the waste of skin you are.


Regarding Obamacare: ordable-care-act-at-president-obamas-request? m_medium=referral&utm_campaign=editorial&hpt=hp_t2#articles/19 91847-lebron-james-to-promote-affordable-care-act-at-president-obamas- request

The best way to sell a bad product is to have a sports hero, or somebody on TV say how great it is. That is EXACTLY what is happening here. Obama is getting desperate, because he knows that he is trying to sell a complete lemon to the America people. His ONLY hope now is that all the idiots out there who might actually benefit from Obamacare, will see LEBRON JAMES!!!!! say how awesome it is, and will believe it.

Anybody with any intelligence at all (you are not included) knows exactly what this is. The last desperate ploy of a politician that staked everything on the chief tenet of liberalism. Buy the poor, to vote the rich out of power. This 'social justice' bull**** will do nothing but tear this country further apart. You know who will suffer most when that happens? Those who can't make their own way. They are the ones truly getting worked over by Obama. But he doesn't give a ****. Not as long as he gets their vote, now, no matter how dishonest the method was.

**** off, kid. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Ever.

Herb you show your true colors as a disgusting inbred KKK racist redneck by refusing to give the first black president credit for ANYTHING!

You are showing your true colors by insisting that just because he happens to be a black man, he deserves credit for something as worthless as Obamacare. I, for one, don't give a **** what color he is. I never did, because I'm not a racist. If he came up with good ideas (and there have been some as I recall) I would give credit to that idea. You would do well to do the same. This liberal guilt you can't leave behind is it's own particular brand of racism. Come to grips with that, and maybe we can all leave that ugly chapter in our history behind us. Perhaps you simply don't want to, because it is THE ONLY card left in the liberal bag these days. That's why the race card gets played so often. It's the only one left in the deck.

That's really ****ing pathetic.

By the by, I'm all for people having access to health care. I know you don't believe it, because you are a schmuck, but it's true. I want sick people to be able to go to the doctor. But we have $17 Trillion we need to find a way to pay back. This bullcrap we call Obamacare is going to put us another $3 or $4 Trillion in the hole. **** that. It's going to come back and bite us someday, despite what you refuse to believe. Make Obamacare cost effective, and I'll support it. Until then, **** off.

The reason I identify so often with conservatives, is because my principle belief in life is that of 'personal responsibility'. Something you care nothing for. I believe that EVERYBODY must contribute to the world they are born into. That's why I spent so much time LEARNING. Going to school, learning about the world, learning and developing valuable skills to contribute to the world around me, and EARN my way in the world.

Obamacare flies in the face of that belief, so I won't support it. Many of the people that need health care, and can't afford it, have largely only themselves to blame. They don't exercise, they don't eat right, they make no effort at all to remain healthy so that they won't NEED healthcare. Now you are telling them that they don't have to atone for the poor choices they made. Obama will make rich people take care of all of it. THAT.....IS......BULL****. als-his-2014-march-madness-bracket? eferral&utm_campaign=editorial&hpt=hp_t2#articles/1998046-pres ident-barack-obama-reveals-his-2014-march-madness-bracket

Yeah. Cause we ****ing care what he thinks about that. All the colossal screw ups he's caused, and he's wasting his time with this bull****. This guy is a media and public relations whore. Haven't we had enough presidents like that. We have bigger problems than who will win a ****ing basketball tournament.


Guess you are wondering why I laugh so hard. Turned on O'Reilly tonight. Curious to see his take on this Malaysian airliner story. He mentioned that this rotten and vile son of a ***** is on his death bed. Huzzah. Thought I'd do some reading about him to see what the **** his problem was. Found this little tidbit I never knew before. Thought I'd share it with you. elps-democrat

Unlike you, I didn't take it at face value, but sure enough, many sources say the same thing. Too funny. One of the most rotten, cruel, heartless pieces of human trash on planet Earth. Guess I shouldn't be too surprised. He's in good company.

I'm sure you'll meet him and all his cronies in hell. You can have a democrat pride parade or something. How can you agree with anything that disgusting piece of **** has to say. I mean, you are constantly a whore for the democrats, and he is a democrat, and has been for decades. So you must be exactly like him, right? I'll ask again, how the **** do you sleep at night. How do you look at yourself in the mirror knowing that you and this piece of trash support the same party?

G'Night chump.

reply =hp_c2

Interesting article fauny. This guy knows a LOT more about the real world than you ever will. Do you honestly believe that the warzone that Chicago is, is JUST because of the guns there? You have to know, in your heart of hearts, that is not the case. Until THIS problem is sufficiently addressed, it is immoral, and illegal (Thank God!) to deny a person their right to self defense, and the tools to make it possible. Knife and club will not defend an innocent person against a meth freak who has no respect for the law, or other people, no matter how he or she may be armed.

Oh, and because I know you are low enough to do so, don't use this as an excuse to not respond to the posts above. That is cowardly beyond words. I know you are a coward, but just don't do it. I want answers. First things first.

reply ml

I'm sorry for your loss fauny. I'll give you time to mourn your fellow democrat.


Sorry bout that last one fauny. That was just a joke, and was in poor taste. I take it back.

But seriously. Hop over here. #227344353

This wank is trying to defend the old bastard. You gotta get in on it. We can finally be on the same side for once.


By the by. Both on this board, and the BFC board your last two posts have used the phrase "more proof" that such and such. Do us all a big favor. Go get your little pocket dictionary out of your little backpack and look up the word 'proof'. Read the definition, and then stop being a complete imbecile. Proof by its very nature is definitive. You will NEVER need 'more' of it. Once you have proof, the subject has been proven. You have done no such thing in either case, as you well know.

You sound like a ****ing retard when you talk like that. Nobody will ever take you seriously about anything. Granted, they really shouldn't because you are a complete ****ing idiot. But still, for your own good. I'm just trying to help you.
