Release it today

It would now clean up now that the masses eyes and brains are open.


You'd make more money on a Hillary Clinton smear doco. Obama is so relatively clean that this was a snoozefest and the 'revelations' are just as irrelevant now as it was when it came out.

Basically, no one cares. Try to nail Biden or Kerry or Clinton...if you are trying to actually DO something.

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America



Abandoning Americans to die, weaponizing the IRS against those that disagree with you, increasing NSA spying, increasing drone strikes, extending the Iraq war after promising to bring all the troops home within six months of making it into office as well as causing more deaths in acts of war in a single term than the previous admin. did in two (after running on an anti-war platform mind you), adding the most insidious piece of legislation in US history with the NDAA provisions granting the 'right' to arrest or kill American citizens sans evidence or trial, more debt in a single term than nearly every previous admin. combined (after promising he wouldn't even run for a second term if he couldn't cut the deficit in half in his first term), bypassing congress to donate billions of taxpayer money to America's enemies, spending more taxpayer money than any previous president on your vacations while talking about the importance of "income equality," criminal fraud (or gross negligence, take your pick) against Americans through a health care system that uninsured millions and forced many into more expensive plans after promising "if you like your plan, you can keep it" countless times, failing to support the infant born alive protection act hence condoning the legality of infanticide...

And I left stuff out.

He's as clean as a litter box that hasn't been changed in months, not that seems to matter to radical liberals, who are willing to lower themselves to the point of being outright sociopaths in order to justify supporting whoever happens to represent who they think is their political team in office.

This is exactly why the country is sinking.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Sorry...but before I actually read your post, I have a question...can you prove any of it? Cuz if you should make a documentary out of it and it would CLEAN UP!

Otherwise, it is not worth my while to read your post. IF it even had a chance of being true, the KOCH brothers would have funded a film on it.

Am I wrong?

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


People cried at Stalin's funeral because they thought he was a clean, good-hearted political figure as well, a blessing to their country.

Just an interesting note.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
