MovieChat Forums > 2016: Obama's America (2012) Discussion > Look at all the prominent people who pre...

Look at all the prominent people who predicted a Romney landslide win!

Get used to losing LOSERS! They are going to be wrong on Obamacare as well because every successful healthcare system on earth has a mandate just like Obamacare!

From a CNBC anchor to Joe Scarnorough to Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove and Dick Morris! Not to mention Glenn Beck!

Combined their net worth is almost a BILLION dollars! LMAO!


Plenty of equally retarded people (yourself included) predicted a massive John Kerry win in '04. Do you have a point? Idiot.


Wrong you inbred redneck! Never predicted a Kerry win.

Dems have won 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections and that will only continue! Obamacare is a LAW that the Supreme Court upheld and we fought an election over. Independents hate what the GOP is doing by acting like Obamacare is a pending bill and shutting down the government over it!

Independents are key in deciding elections!


Dems have won 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections

You've hit full retard again kid. Try 4 of the last 9 dumbass. Less than half. Stop being a complete imbecile for just a couple minutes please. The only reason they win is because they buy votes from government dependent human trash by borrowing money from China and driving up the national debt. $6 TRILLION+ since the thieving bastard took office. Much of it geared toward buying the loyalty of political whores like you who are perfectly fine having the government take care of you your whole life, long as you don't have to work hard or think for yourself. You think that's a positive development for the country. You sound like a real winner kid. Independents like myself enjoy those things, as everybody should.

Never predicted a Kerry win

Sure kid. Even if you didn't, a lot of people did. Why would the dems nominate somebody they didn't think would win.

Obamacare is a LAW that the Supreme Court upheld and we fought an election over

Probably work out swell for government dependent dregs like you. Hard working, educated people like me will probably end up paying out the ass for a bureaucratic nightmare. Great! My guess is you don't know **** about Obamacare, just like you don't know **** about much of anything else. You are simply sheeping along behind Obama's heels the way you always do.

Independents hate what the GOP is doing by acting like Obamacare is a pending bill and shutting down the government over it!

The hell do you know about independents? Shutting down the government is a good thing, and in any case it's as much the democrats fault as the republicans. Both sides have the ability to compromise kid, neither are doing it.


Herb, you worthless retarded inbred redneck!

Since 1992, Democrats have prevailed in the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections. Since 1992, Democrats have prevailed by2003 electoral votes to 1223. Nearlytwice as many for the Democrats as the Republicans. The races have not been competitive when viewed through this lens.

Do you know how to count retard?

2012 Dems won popular vote

2008 Dems won popular vote

2004 GOP barely won popular vote

2000 Al Gore & Dems won popular vote

1996 Dems won popular vote

1992 Dems won popular vote

According to your retarded brain that's 4 of the past 9! LMAO!! OWNED as always LOSER!


Dems have won 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections

Dishonest schmuck again I see. You're a bigger liar than Obama. What must that be like?

NOTHING in that 100%, absolutely, cannot be defended, WRONG and IDIOTIC statement said anything about 'popular vote'. Popular vote doesn't matter a damn you know. Here's how it REALLY went. Deal with it:

1980 - Reagan won. Republican - 1
1984 - Reagan won. Republican - 2
1988 - Bush won. Republican - 3
1992 - Clinton won. Democrat - 1
1996 - Clinton won. Democrat - 2
2000 - Bush won. Republican (quite being so butt hurt about this, live with it, GORE LOST! Even after the countless tantrums he threw about it.) - 4
2004 - Bush won (again). Republican - 5
2008 - Obama won. Democrat - 3
2012 - Obama won. Democrat - 4

According to your retarded brain that's 4 of the past 9!

According to MY correct, honest, and true list, yes that's 4 of the past 9. According to your pie-in-the-sky, 100% untrue, dishonest, 'i'm a ****ing retard' list, that is wrong. But that doesn't matter.

I'll bet you used to call George W. Bush a liar all the time when he was president (between 2000 and 2008) didn't you? You are a FAR WORSE LIAR THAN HE EVER WAS OR EVER COULD BE. Imagine how awesome the world would be again without dip****s like you lying all the time.

Need I remind you that you are the delusional trash heap that thought that when the Andrea Gail sank, all those poor oppressed swordfish shackled below decks swam to freedom!! What a wank!


Herb, you are a lying delusional inbred MORON who will always be on the LOSING side! Even Fox News reported how Dems have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes in Presidential elections after Obama kicked Romney's ass last year! I said POPULAR VOTES!

You are just a pathetic butthurt Repuke who is always on the LOSING end!



You may think you did on account of your disabilities. But you did not. Here is what you said:

Dems have won 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections and that will only continue!

That statement is wrong, and the fact that you will not own up to that means you intentionally lied and cannot be trusted. How can you lie through your teeth like that. Where do you people come from?

Even Fox News reported how Dems have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes in Presidential elections

Yep. They said that because they tell the truth a LOT more than you do. Once again you are defending the indefensible. The typical call of the left-wing loon. I'll give you an out this time though. It's easy. All you have to do is admit your statement was wrong, and apologize for your lie, and I'll stop bothering you. Do the right thing pal.


Herb, as always you are destroyed and a LIAR! Read what I said below:

Since 1992, Democrats have prevailed in the popular vote in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections.

OWNED you dumbass retard!

Plus Romney gave a live speech in front of the Supreme Court after Obamacare was UPHELD saying the only way to repeal it was to elect him and he lost by over 130 electoral votes and MILLIONS in the popular vote!

Get used to losing LOSE

reply! In your second post you said this:

Dems have won 5 of the last 6 Presidential elections

You didn't say ANYTHING about 'popular vote' until AFTER I'd spanked you on your lies. Even when you lose, you pretend to win. Have you no shame at all. If you are older than seven, you should be ashamed of yourself. Pathetic.

Read again....CAREFULLY. Word by word. Take your time. Get your mommy and daddy (if you know who they are) to help you if you find yourself feeling confused.

NOTHING in that 100%, absolutely, cannot be defended, WRONG and IDIOTIC statement said anything about 'popular vote'. Popular vote doesn't matter a damn you know. Here's how it REALLY went. Deal with it

Your statement in post #3 said NOTHING about popular vote. You simply said 'won the election'. Gore DID NOT WIN THE ELECTION. George Bush did. That's why he was President. When I corrected your WRONG statement, only THEN did you specify you were talking about popular vote. Yet you REFUSED to apologize for making an abjectly false statement, and jumping down my throat for telling the TRUTH of the situation. You are such an ***hole. If you were not, here is what you would have said, and what a decent and honest person would say:

"Oh ****. Sorry about that. I meant to say that in 5 of the last 6 elections, the popular vote was achieved by the Democrat candidate. Sorry, I should have specified that, but I did not. You are correct in stating that only 4 of the past 9 elections were WON by the Democrats".

That's what a decent person would say. You are 100% ***hole, and could NEVER admit to a mistake, no matter how stupid it makes you look. People like you, slaves to a political ideology that weakens nations, are the reason democrats keep getting elected, and ****ing up this once great country even more. Someday it will all come crashing down, and you know who will suffer? It won't be my kind, because we refuse to rely on government for everything in our lives. It will be your kind, who will not be able to fend for yourselves. Enjoy. All you will be able to do is sit on the street and beg us for your livelihood, and when we can no longer afford it, you will riot in the streets and burn things down out of frustration. You human dregs make me sick.

Look here:

Democrats in power since 1962. Do you honestly believe that city is better off for living as slaves to the democratic party for so long? When Detroit was on top of the world, guess which party was running the place? If you Obama sheep keep whoring away your vote to the party that gives you the most free stuff, the whole country will be just like the abject mess that Detroit is inside of 30 years. Thanks!

reply dex.html?hpt=hp_t2

THIS is what you get when a single party is in control for so long. Why do you want this? Dumbass sheep slaves piss me off. Start thinking for yourself, you'll be much better off.


Obamacare is a LAW that the Supreme Court upheld and we fought an election over.

Looks like the 'popular vote' has swung against your president's baby. Guess since the popular vote says NO to Obamacare, it should be abandoned. Right? Your logic and previous statements suggests so. What say you?


Note to the OP: using exclamation points after every sentence indicates the maturity of a child.


And you're proud of this? 100% of the democrat base in America is comprised of losers, lowlifes and deadbeats. Sadly you have majority population in todays America


Nobody can win against massive voter frauds.


That, and with nearly the entire mainstream media shilling and outright lying to serve their own agenda constatly.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Almost all media has whored itself out to the highest bidder which would be its advertisers. It's almost always been that way; "how are we gonna generate the most looks in our direction? what's it gonna take to get them to read our stories and look at the products we're slinging on the side."

It's all a matter of where you ULTIMATELY want your money to go to. Think of the causes of your purchase from all angles. Media's only existence is to sell us that which we desire to consume.


You worthless Repukes like Herb and John only show how mentally ill you are! Blaming voter fraud when Obama won by 5 MILLION votes shows the extent of your delusions! If there was any case it would've been taken to court years ago!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


ou worthless Repukes like Herb and John only show how mentally ill you are! Blaming voter fraud when Obama won by 5 MILLION votes shows the extent of your delusions!

Is there no end to your lies? When did I blame anything on voter fraud? Because you are stupid, I'll just tell you. Never. Apologize for insinuating as such you lying piece of ****. Or explain why you feel the need to put words in my mouth.

Herb, as always you are destroyed and a LIAR!

What lie did I tell? Point it out, kid. Back up your crap for the first time in your miserable little existence.


Herb, so you think the Repukes lost fair and square? I find that hard to beleive.

In any case some GOP analysts have come out and said they don't have a viable candidate to run against Hillary in 2016! Even some GOP analysts have said since the GOP is blocking immigration reform they have NO chance at the presidency in 2016 and it will even hurt them in some races in 2014!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Herb, so you think the Repukes lost fair and square? I find that hard to beleive.

Yeah. Just like Al Gore did. I'm far more honest than you. That is clear.

They lost fair and square. Sure. Is that right, or best for the nation and its people? That's a completely different question. But yes, they won the election according to the many rules of electing the American president. Voter fraud was no doubt present to some extent on both sides. Could removing it have changed the outcome? That is certianly possible, but that could be said of candidates on both sides throughout our history. If you can't quantify it, and support any conclusions on its impact, then you can't allow it to alter the outcome.

In any case some GOP analysts have come out and said they don't have a viable candidate to run against Hillary in 2016! Even some GOP analysts have said since the GOP is blocking immigration reform they have NO chance at the presidency in 2016 and it will even hurt them in some races in 2014!

So? What's your point, kid? It'd better be good, whatever it is.


"Immigration reform" is a shining example of how sociopathic and corrupt modern (so called) liberals are, they don't give a damn how damaging their agenda is to the country, they want to further it anyway to get what they want.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
