My car wouldn't start this morning.........Obama
My dog pooped the house, the cable is out, and my car won't start......Obama.
Blame everything on Obama.....waaah waaaaah
What a bunch of whiny (p) us (s) ies
My dog pooped the house, the cable is out, and my car won't start......Obama.
Blame everything on Obama.....waaah waaaaah
What a bunch of whiny (p) us (s) ies
If the dog pooped in your house, that's nobody's fault but yours. Obama had nothing to do with it. Bonehead.
shareI was making fun of people that blame Obama for everything. I was joking....bonehead.
shareNobody blames Obama for any of those things.
shareI've heard right wing nuts blame Obama for almost is ridiculous.....he is a good man and our President.
shareYes. He is our president.
shareWhat's your standard for a good man?
A man that thinks killing newborn babies should be legal? (you can listen to the entire court proceding proving he argued in favor of this fromo his Illinois state senate days right on you tube).
A man that promises over and over again that "if you like your plan you can keep your plan," using this lie to get re-elected and force through an unconstitutional piece of legislation that then takes away health care plans that worked well for millions of people then forced them onto more expensive plans that didn't?
A man that repeatedly makes multi-hundred million dollar donations to middle eastern terrorists?
A man that sends US troops into Ebola infected territories where even trained physicians couldn't protect themselves from the virus?
A man that wants the 'right' to arrest or kill American sans with no evidence or trial?
I guess to left wing nuts, things like this are what a good man is comprised of.
Anyone still supporting him is disgustingly ignorant and/or as sociopathic and heartless as Obama himself.
To anyone with a functioning brain in their head, he is one of the most vile men in the history of politics.
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
He's one of the most vile men in history? Please.....he only had real power for 2 years....we've had a divided government since 2011.
He is not a sociopath.....he is a husband, father, and share this country with others half of whom belief the opposite of what you believe....grow up and learn to compromise.
he only had real power for 2 years
grow up and learn to compromise
he is one of the most vile men in the history of politics.
"Uh. No. He would rank quite low on that list. Men far worse than him have lived a victorious life throughout our sorted history as a race. I think the man is a terrible politician, a misguided socialist, and a very weak leader on tough issues, but he is trumped by millions throughout history as far as how 'vile' he is.
I see no evidence that he is a sociopath."
I offered plenty in my previous post. If you openly support the slaughter of newborn children, if you even go so far as to say you'd have your own grandchild mutilated and discarded as trash if your daughter had an unexpected pregnancy, you're a sociopath. The debate is over right there, with him it goes far, far beyond any one issue though. There are countless examples.
He is, with no exaggeration, one of the worst excuses for a human being I've ever seen in my entire life. He is the epitome of a sociopath. He has zero concern for who his actions hurt as long as he feels he can profit from them.
This is from 2011, so there are many, many more examples since, but this is a pretty good indication of him being the textbook case of a pure sociopath... e-a-sociopath/
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
If you consider Barack Obama (while grossly incompetent and a poor leader) to be one of the 'most vile people in history', then your knowledge of history is abhorrently lacking. Supporting abortion does not a cold blooded killer make. Our world is grossly overpopulated my friend. Sad, but true. Abortion is a necessary process in society today. There is no longer the capacity in jobs, food, fuel, and other human necessities to support unfettered human reproduction. Our natural controls have largely been overcome (pandemics, massive wars, natural selection). So in order to curb the already out of control population, it is of great benefit to dispose of unwanted children before they become a burden (at best) or a danger (at worst) to decent society.
Despite your (probably) religious views on the abortion procedure, the VAST majority of children destroyed by it, would have been born to people who have no business being parents. Would you rather the child be born into a home where he or she is unwanted, unloved, neglected, or worse? That's not rhetorical. I'd actually like an answer to that one. Growing up completely unwanted is a fate crueler to a human being than a swift death before being able to comprehend it. If two animals that have no idea how to properly raise a child can't control their primitive sexual desires, and create a child, I'd much rather that child be snuffed out before birth, than grow up rotten and kill me in 15 years.
Am I a sociopath?
Your entire post can be summed up by condoning the legalized slaughter of innocent children for the purposes of population control, hence anything you have to say about what makes a vile or a decent person gets tossed out the window right then and there.
And yes, the views you just expressed are despicable and sociopathic.
"Supporting abortion does not a cold blooded killer make..."
Yes, it does. In an absolute best case scenario, it makes a disgustingly as well as dangerously ignorant person that lacks the common sense to know that they're advocating mass genocide.
"Despite your (probably) religious views on the abortion procedure, the VAST majority of children destroyed by it, would have been born to people who have no business being parents."
One doesn't need to be religious to know that mutilating innocent children and throwing them in trash bags because they're "better off that way" is horribly wrong. I would prefer the child be given a chance at life rather than being robbed of it because of someone elses opinion that they're better off in the trash can based on some hypothetical crime that they may committ. That's a very strange (and sick) means of attempting to justify a death sentence for a child that has committed no crime.
And noone is forcing anyone to be a parent against their will, someone can drop a baby off at any random church or orphanage, and let people that actually have a shred of compassion try to find a decent home for them.
I generally agree with your views up until this point, but that was post was beyond vile.
I just lost a great deal of respect for you, and have no interest in what you have to say on matters of basic human decency anymore, since you are, as you would put it, abhorrently lacking in it.
Your reference to natural selection paints a great picture of exactly how heartless darwinist views help to make someone, btw, I already knew that anyway, but thanks for reinforcing the point.
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
You seem to live in as big a pie-in-the-sky world as Obama does. A very different idealistic world, but a very unreal one none the less. Best you ground yourself in reality my friend. Don't construct your outlook on life based on the way you think the world should be, or the way you would 'like' humanity to be. Base it on how it is, and work to change it for the better when you can.
We'll go one at a time, because addressing too many at once just makes for long boring posts. Address each of the following points in turn, using logic, and reality as your foundation.
In an absolute best case scenario, it makes a disgustingly as well as dangerously ignorant person that lacks the common sense to know that they're advocating mass genocide.
And in case you weren't paying attention, he supports the legalized slaughter of children that have ALREADY BEEN BORN!!!! Look up his voting record while he was in the Ill. state senate, he opposed the born alive infant protection act and as I said, the entire court proceding where he argues in favor of the right to dispose of newborn children that have survived failed abortion attempts is right on you tube.
If you can't see what's wrong with that, you're a heartless scumbag, just like he is.
Donating billions to psychotic terrorists that regularly slaughter people in the streets of their own countries every day and make it as clear to us as possible that they want us dead...
deliberate sabotage of the US health care system, costing millions of people health care plans that worked well for them that relied upon countless lies to be passed...
Wanting the authority to arrest or kill people sans any evidence or trial...
Deliberately dividing the public over race, income, lifestyle... more than any other political figure in national history...
Running on an anti-war platform only to increase drone strikes and get more people killed in acts of war in half the time...
Doing all this with a big grin on his face, and you actually deny that he's a sociopath.
Of course your filthy post certainly puts that into perspective, someone needs a heart to be able to actually call out a sociopath on their sociopathic behavior, yours obviously doesn't work very well.
You also managed to ignore every other point that clearly demonstrates his sociopathic tendancies, because it was more important to you to espouse your support of child murder. Speaks volumes about your own character.
A sociopath is someone with no concern whatsoever for how their decisions effect anyone other than themselves, and can tell boldfaced lies to further their self-absorbed agendas all without a speck of remorse...I just described Obama to a t...and based on your words, you're not far off from fitting atleast the first part of that description.
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++