A substantial majority of Americans believe Obamacare should remain law, either exactly as it is or with small changes, according to a new poll.
Bloomberg News found that a combined 64 percent of Americans said they support keeping the law in place. That includes 51 percent who said it should be kept but may need some small changes and 13 percent who said it should be left alone. Only 34 percent said it should be repealed.
Pollsters don't create fake data moron! Maybe you are too used to liars like Dick Morris who said Romney would beat Obama in a landslide!
Most ALL the polls like Gallup and Pew also say most want Obamacare fixed instead of going back to the old system when insurance companies played god! It's better than the GOP health plan of "Just die already!".
All these polls say it sucks. Does that mean I believe them, not necessarily. They are public opinion polls. They swing one way, then the other.
Pollsters don't create fake data
Well. That's bull**** for starters. Even those that don't, also don't publish findings that go against their preconceived notions. They wait for one that goes the way they want, then they publish it. You are a ****ing retard for believing only those that go your way.
All those RCP ones say Obamacare sucks. What of them?
My source takes averages of a number of reputable organizations. You take one from a single source that goes your way, and proclaim it as gospel. Do you not see how bad that makes you look. You are a wank, a liar, a scumbag, and a pitiful and dishonest person.
What I do know for certain is this, and since you refused to address it where I originally posted it (out of abject cowardice of course) I shall repeat it.
The best way to sell a bad product is to have a sports hero, or somebody on TV say how great it is. That is EXACTLY what is happening here. Obama is getting desperate, because he knows that he is trying to sell a complete lemon to the America people. His ONLY hope now is that all the idiots out there who might actually benefit from Obamacare, will see LEBRON JAMES!!!!! say how awesome it is, and will believe it.
Anybody with any intelligence at all (you are not included) knows exactly what this is. The last desperate ploy of a politician that staked everything on the chief tenet of liberalism. Buy the poor, to vote the rich out of power. This 'social justice' bull**** will do nothing but tear this country further apart. You know who will suffer most when that happens? Those who can't make their own way. They are the ones truly getting worked over by Obama. But he doesn't give a ****. Not as long as he gets their vote, now, no matter how dishonest the method was.
**** off, kid. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Ever.
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Herb, you are nothing but a disgruntled racist and sore loser! Just like I have said from the start the ACA is here to stay and not going anywhere! The GOP has NO alternative in Congress because the GOP doesn't believe in helping the average man! The CBO would laugh any GOP plan out of the room!
Americans realize we all need healthcare...even inbred racists like you! Most people want to fix the ACA just like how Dems helped fix Medicare Part D under Bush!
Got any evidence to back that stupid **** up, or is it simply another in a LONG line of completely empty statements you refuse to answer for? Don't say **** if you can't back it up. It's not right. Decent people know that. You are trash.
Because you dodged, for the second time now, I'll ask point blank. If Obamacare is so great, why does Obama need Lebron James to tell everyone how great it is? Should it not be able to stand on its own if it is as Obama says it is?
Stand up like a man, and answer for once you ****ing coward. No deflection, no changing the subject, no insults, no bull****. Let's have real conversation for a change. Think you can muster up enough honesty for even a single round? Just give it a try for Christ's sake. You might feel better about yourself.
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why does Obama not want it for himself and his family? Why does noone in D.C. want it?
That's a good question. How bout it fauny?
Americans realize we all need healthcare
We all need food too, don't we? You know what I do when I need food? I go to the vendor of MY choice, and use MY money that I EARNED to buy it. I compensate the vendor for the service they provide, with money I earned providing a service of value to others. I'm not forced to deal with some bull**** government bureaucratic nightmare in order to get the food I need. Same should apply for healthcare.
Those that truly can't afford their own food () should get some marginal assistance from the government, but leave the rest of us out of it. I don't want to have to follow a bunch of nonsense government rules when deciding where I want to eat lunch, and I don't want to have to follow a bunch of nonsense government rules when I go to the doctor for a checkup.
Explain the difference to me fauny.
I'm starting to wonder if you will ever get tired of losing all the time. Just look at the history on this board, or on BFC, or religion, or anything. You bug out of every discussion when somebody makes an argument for which you can't think up a reasonable counter. You've left a long trail of abject defeats in your wake. Isn't that humiliating for you? Are you simply so far below shame that it doesn't bother you? Tell us fauny. What must it be like, to be you? I shudder at the thought.
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Herb, despite all your crybaby racist rants Obamacare is here to STAY and you are nothing but a SORE LOSER! Extremist crackpots like you are why Romney got his butt kicked and why the GOP has no chance in 2016!
Like what? Elaborate please. Cite examples to back up your assertion, or do the decent thing and retract your statement. I await with bated breath your response.
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Herb, despite all your crybaby racist rants Obamacare is here to STAY and you are nothing but a SORE LOSER! Extremist crackpots like you are why Romney got his butt kicked and why the GOP has no chance in 2016!
I've read a lot of Herb's posts. I agree with him on some issues and views and disagree with him on others... However, I don't detect any racism what so ever in any of his comments.
Could you please quote some of his comments that you find racist so I can better understand your argument?
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Sounds like a crap law to me. Obviously Obamacare in reality is a LOT different than Obamacare on paper. Factor in all the lies and outright deceit that got it passed, and it simply cannot continue. What the democrats should now do, is repeal the law, go back to the drawing board, and try again. Apparently there are some positive things about it, take those, and try again. This time, don't tell lies to get it passed. **** with people's personal freedom as little as possible. Find a way to cover people without bankrupting the nation.
If you CAN'T FIGURE OUT A WAY TO DO IT RIGHT, then leave it in the hands of private citizens to figure it out. But don't take a problem and make it worse, simply because you don't know how to make it better.
Hogwash, and nothing but. You don't honestly believe that if the democrats controlled the house and senate that they would 'negotiate' and 'compromise' with Romney, do you? America's rampant political problems are not the fault of one party or the other. It is the fault of both. Can them all, and shoot them down in the streets. It's time to start over. We are LONG overdue for some real revolution.
It's not Obama's fault
Yes it is. He could 'negotiate' and 'compromise' too, you know. He doesn't, and you just assume that his blatantly partisan agenda is what's best, because you are a sheep. You feel that there is no need for Obama to compromise because you think he is always right. Grow up.
Herb, you disgusting racist Klansman! OWNED yet again!
From the Huffington post:
Despite the worst roll-out conceivable, the Affordable Care Act seems to be working. With less than two weeks remaining before the March 31 deadline for coverage this year, five million peoplehave already signed up. After decades of rising percentages of Americans' lacking health insurance, the uninsured rate has dropped to its lowest levels since 2008.
Meanwhile, the rise in health care costs has slowed drastically. No one knows exactly why, but the new law may well be contributing to this slowdown by reducing Medicare overpayments to medical providers and private insurers, and creating incentives for hospitals and doctors to improve quality of care.
Oh. The Huffington Post says. Oh, well, then I guess it MUST be true . Idiot.
Did you bother to validate ANY of that crap from other sources? I doubt it. Just sheep being sheep. If that is all true, then why do so many still hate it? Why all the horror stories about what it is doing to their lives? Why is it good for some, yet wretched for so many others?
Admit it, kid. You just looked at the ultra-biased Huffington post. Saw the words 'Obamacare' and 'Good' in the same sentence and said to yourself, "YES!!!! VINDICATION!!!! I'LL GET THAT MEAN OLD HERB WITH THIS FOR SURE!!!!".
I can see you saying all that. It's really sad. You are one pathetic chump.
Since you completely dodged (as always) what of the public opinion. The REAL public opinion, taken from a wide variety of sources.
Seems like far more hate it than love it. If it is so good, then why is this so? Explain it for us.
Also, since you dodged again (same old ****, different day), I'll ask again.
If Obamacare is so great, why does Obama need Lebron James to tell all his sheep how great it is? Should it not be able to stand on its own merits? A good product sells itself. No worshipped celebrities are required to sell it.
Also, since you dodged (you know, the usual), why does Congress not use it? Why is it that the government cronies that forced this ridiculous piece of dog**** on US, not use it THEMSELVES? Why do they not follow their own laws and lead by example? If Obamacare is so great, then why?
Explain it for us.
There, three simple things for you to counter. I'm giving another in a long line of chances to have a real discussion. Will you take it? Or simply keep being the douchebag sheep you have always been, and likely will always be.
disgusting racist Klansman!
What proof have you of this insidious accusation? None, you say? I figured that. Just a small person trying to sound big and tough I guess. Epic fail kid.
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I'm actually beginning to think that even megafaun doesn't believe his own statements.
I think he's the very definition of an internet troll, someone that deliberately posts the most ridiculous, biased viewpoints humanly possible for the sole purpose of simply trying to get people riled up.
There are people like this on the Obama imdb board as well, I think you can find them on nearly every internet forum.
Either he's been so brainwashed that he's started buying into his own bs, or more likely even he doesn't buy it, he simply spouts it off to get a reaction.
Probably true. So very few are as screwed up as fauny pretends to be. Thank goodness. Good exercise in rhetoric though, and entertaining to boot. Learning how to tear bull**** apart is a fun skill to learn. Whatever fauny is, it could be a true believer. An overly committed troll is just as funny though.
But see, now you're talking common sense, that doesn't factor in when dealing with disgustingly immoral, ignorant, radical leftist bullies (which are the only people that would still be supporting obama's agenda).
Good job Obama. Finally some sanity from this wretched administration. Now if he can just exempt the rest of the country, we can leave this ridiculous nonsense behind us, and look forward to a whole new set of ridiculous nonsense, curtesy of Hillary Clinton. Sucks to live in a country where the takers can outvote the makers. Nothing good will come from it. 20 years from now America will be no better than Guatemala, Angola, or Mongolia. All the hard work and sacrifice that made it so very special, sapped by liberal-induced jealousy, and government orchestrated stupidity.
Still support this asinine law fauny? Most transparent administration in history MY ASS!! This whole thing was a charade from the very start. Nothing about it was intended to help sick people that didn't have insurance. This was a jack, orchestrated by miserably dishonest democrats, and shoved down our throats by a President that charmed the idiots of America into voting for him. There is no overriding morality in this law whatsoever. It's trash. It's sole purpose is to give the Democratic Party more power over those they want to vote for them, and enhancing the level of dependency people have on them, while restricting the options the rest of us have to make our own choices independent of government. It's against EVERYTHING this nation was founded on.