I am so sick of this administration
http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/11/world/meast/kerry-mideast-visit-isis/ind ex.html?hpt=hp_t2
This man is beyond ridiculous. This whole government is beyond ridiculous. Let's see. We're sending special forces to shoot them, or tell others how to shoot them. We've got spy planes trying to spot them so that armed aircraft can drop bombs on them and shoot missiles at them. SOUNDS LIKE A ****ING WAR TO ME JOHN KERRY! Why is this government such a bunch of ****ing ****ies?
"Significant counter-terrorism operation"!!!
How is that any different, or better than "WAR!!!", which is what this is? What is John Kerry so afraid of that he can't just call **** exactly what it is? What is Obama so afraid of? Why can these ****ing jokers not call things what they are. This is "overseas contingency operation" all over again. These people are ****ing clowns.
America. Please elect somebody with some ****ing ****s next time. I'm so sick of this pantywaist bull****. The guys who cut James Foley and Steven Sotloff's heads off are laughing their barbarian ***es off tonight listening to this ****. They'll draw strength and confidence knowing that they are up against imbeciles who are afraid of their own shadows. This is NOT how you defeat an enemy. You don't combat savage barbarism by conveying weakness and indecision. You win it with decisive, consistent, and palpable words, combined with strong and decisive action to back it up. This is exactly the kind of mentality that ensures that wars last a decade or more these days, and they never end in a decisive victory for either side. Perpetual mediocrity will rule the day. Thanks Obama.
http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2014/09/12/dont-call-it-war-administra tion-hit-for-refusing-to-use-w-word-for-isis-mission/
Guess he's trying to justify his ridiculous Nobel Peace Prize, while making the US out to be weaklings and cowards in the eyes of those who would slaughter every last one of us if they could. Way to go!