MovieChat Forums > 2016: Obama's America (2012) Discussion > Photographic proof that Obamacare is wor...

Photographic proof that Obamacare is working!

Long lines to sign up all over the nation! Even in red states!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Golly gee whiz. Poor people lining up in droves for free stuff. This obvious turn of events is how you define success? I don't think that words exist to sufficiently explain to you how ludicrous that is. Obama offers people free ****, and they take it. Wow. Great. At what cost? How much more debt will the producers of America be on the hook for because of this. How many billions of dollars will be thrown out the window through the fraud and abuse that ALWAYS accompany a giant government bureaucracy?

Do you ever stop to give even a moment of your limited supply of thought to these important aspects of this law? Ever? Even once? If you do, I've never seen it.

By the by. The Daily Kos?! Are you ****ing serious!! That's who you go to to fight your battles for you?!?!? Human garbage following human garbage. A sad picture indeed.


Great, now lets see a count of how many are first time sign ups compared to how many are people that had plans that worked better for them cancelled, hence had to buy into worse, more expensive plans thanks to Obamacare mandates.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


Such distinctions were not covered in Fauny's little "Pop-up Book of Statistics and Math" he got from the Daily Kos. So he doesn't take such things into account. Sheep typically do as they are told, and don't bother to look at what their masters deem unimportant.


Herb, keep showing your ignorance and STUPIDITY! EVERY SINGLE successful health care system on earth is either single payer or an exchange like Obamacare! The Repukes are retarded MORONS with this nonsense about health savings accounts which do nothing for people who are above a certain age or need serious medical treatment that exceeds the savings account!

As usual the GOP is on the WRONG side of history and only shows their indifference for the common man! You guys are just a bunch of SORE LOSERS because Obamacare is here to stay!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


their indifference for the common man

The common man doesn't need Obamacare, nor would he seek it out. The common man is doing fine, and can support himself and his family without the destructive and blatantly ulterior niceties provided by big government entitlement programs. I shouldn't have to mention the astronomical federal debt, but things like Obamacare are the chief cause of it. But you care not for the cost of these alleged benefits, because you need not sacrifice anything (except your vote) for it.

The larger portion of the people that will benefit from Obamacare are dregs. Human trash that cannot (or by choice, will not) contribute anything of value to the society they inhabit. They will take what is offered them by Obama, and throw away their vote in exchange for an easier glide through life, at others expense. That is rampant political slavery, and you cannot see it. The common man is disgusted by those who take, and give nothing back. Who consume without providing anything of value to those around them. Who laugh at those who work hard to EARN the enjoyable things in life, instead of playing ***** to the democrats, the easy way.

The few decent, productive, morally sound human beings that will benefit from Obamacare are simply not worth the trillions of borrowed dollars that will be expended to help them through this bull**** system.

You are a parrot, a puppet and a slave. I doubt you've ever wanted to be anything more.


As where they on the wrong side of history when they abolished slavery when democrats where fighting to keep it going too?

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++

reply obamacare-shift-costs-to-federal-government/

Obamacare is working alright. These poor chaps have had it so hard already. Glad to see Obama is doing all he can to keep them around and give them a helping hand.

Oh, and if the "Affordable" Care Act makes care so affordable, then why on Earth are the state governments looking for any way they can to shift the costs up to the feds. I though this whole thing was supposed to be affordable. That's what Liar...I mean Barack Obama said. What gives, kid? All you do is defend this bull****. So you must have an answer, right?


7.5 million Obamacare signups Herb! Take that stat to your next KKK meeting you racist white trash scumbag!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


You've basically been given well structured arguments and your reply is the race card? You sad piece of human excrement. Do you enjoy smoking weed in trash California and not working while other people provide you your coke and weed? I'm not even American but I know enough about America. 7.5? It's because the poverty line in America is getting higher and higher, now piss off with this kkk meetings nonsense. This isn't a race issue. Trash like yourself that are okay with owning nothing as long as you can live without having to work are what accounts for 90% of those signups.

reply ing-premiums-rising-at-fastest-clip-in-decades/

An 'affordable' act that you claim is 'working' is making health care less affordable. Explain the logic of this to us fauny. In your own words, with your own ideas.


Your photographic proof, as you call it, is anecdotal not empirical. All you seem to be able to do is fling pooh. Congratulations, you've elevated yourself to the level of the monkeys at the zoo ...gotta be proud.


Here is an article titled The Unspoken Success of ObamaCare: tm

This is my signature:

