So how does that Romney victory feel?
LMAO! Romney knows how to get his ass kicked! So does MEGA nerd D'Souza!
shareLMAO! Romney knows how to get his ass kicked! So does MEGA nerd D'Souza!
shareAnd America is really basking in the victory huh?
You can tell that by the fact that every middle class American took a significant pay cut on January 1st to compensate for Obamacare (which Obama promised wouldn't happen to anyone making under $400,000 a year).
But to Obama supporters things like this mean nothing, nor do the countless scandals, all that matters to them is that politics are like a sporting event and their team 'won.'
The damage it does to America is irrelevant, now by all means, lets continue with the asinine excuses to cover over the Obama admins unparalleled failures (or just plain corruption).
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
Useless repukes are a disgrace by going after Obama when there's nothing there! Obama approval remains high at 53%!
share"Useless repukes are a disgrace by going after Obama when there's nothing there! Obama approval remains high at 53%!"
LOL. Obozo's approval rating is at 46% now. Boy what a fail.
My portfolio is still trending up, up, up. Thanks Obama! :-)
Mine too!
Plus we have health care for 30 million more Americans!
And I'm sure they are working on a way to not give him credit for anything. So sad. :-)
btw, the stock market has tumbled badly since obama's re-election, even the radically liberal huffington post admits it, but naturally tries to find excuses get obama off the hook for it...
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
Obama is only one of 4 US Presidents that has had the stock market DOUBLE in his term! Forbes recently had an article calling Obama the best economic president EVER!
Repukes OWNED!
"Obama is only one of 4 US Presidents that has had the stock market DOUBLE in his term! Forbes recently had an article calling Obama the best economic president EVER!"
Calling Obama a great economist isn't the least bit grounded in reality, you can read whatever you want about the stock market but the national debt, unemployment, number of people on food stamps, etc... completely disagree.
One of the biggest problems facing this country is so many people determined to simply pick a side, defend it to the death regardless of the facts, and spew hate at the other...
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
You guys are completely delusional if you think an obese slob like Christie or a fanatic like Paul has any chance at all in 2016. If the GOP had a charismatic candidate they may have a chance but not with the cast of clowns the GOP has!
Hillary already has 2016 wrapped up!
200,000 private sector jobs were added today beating estimates of 180,000! What do you useless Repugnicants have to say about that? Obama has had 3 YEARS straight of private sector job growth!
FirstBlood you moron the stock market is up 20% this year!
It's so obvious these worthless white trash Repukes only hate Obama because he's BLACK!
Nah; they (republicans) hate anyone who stands between them and the power to wage war
megafauna005, America is going down like the Titanic. Obama and his crew are stone-cold Marxists who are deliberately destroying the country they despise.
Obamacare was never about health care -- it was designed to make all Americans poor. It's full of hidden regulations and crippling tax hikes that are going to affect all of us -- that includes you. These people know they have to severely diminish our incomes to make us completely dependent on them. Communists have destroyed us from within and it's nothing to cheer about.
BTW, the racist card has been played out. It's boring and childish. Only the asylum inmates over at MSLSD use that argument anymore.
Rapturegal, I can tell by your name you are a delsuional psycho! Jesus is Judeo Christian MYTH! The bible is nothing but a book of fairy tales!
The GOP has historic low approval ratings and is killing themselves!
These people know they have to severely diminish our incomes to make us completely dependent on them.
What about the "excuses" for Bush? And that wasn't from the Huffington Post.
Stock Market is up and Oil prices are down. Thank you Obama. e-invest/index.html?iid=EL
Thank you Bush for ruining our Economy.
The financial and economic crash of 2008, the worst in over 75 years, is a major geopolitical setback for the United States and Europe.
"My portfolio is still trending up, up, up. Thanks Obama! :-)"
America's national debt keeps trending in exactly the same direction.
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
"the debt accelerated during Bush's last two budget years. Obama's debt is a continuation of that trend and neither Bush nor Obama are directly responsible for that acceleration. It happened because of the recession. Bush set the all-time record by increasing the debt by $1.1 trillion in 100 days between July 30 and Nov 9, 2008—but that had little to do with his choices.
Recessions cut tax revenues—in this case, dramatically. That accounts for nearly half of the deficit. So blaming Obama for the full deficit is like blaming him for not raising the tax rate to keep tax revenues up."
This is from a Berkeley economist - Steven Stoft.
Oh and by the way FirstBlood, I stand by my earlier statements. :-)
I'm sure you do stand by them, doesn't make them any less wrong.
Obama piled up more debt in two years than anyone else in two terms, no amount of excuses can cover that up or justify it.
Oh, and you cited an economist from a radically liberal university.
+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++
Oh yes, really, really, REALLY smart people do tend to be more liberal or at least not conservative. And what school did you attend?
Like Bill Clinton said around 20 million more jobs have been created under Dem presidents than Repukes since the 1950s!
shareThese "smart people" you refer to are mostly university professors and writers.
They tend to see a theoretical world rather than reality. Some among them believe that if we disarm the whole world then war and crime and injustice will cease to exist. Can you see the problem with reconciling that with reality?
The majority of college students tend to identify themselves as liberal democrats while the majority of college graduates tend to identify themselves as conservative republicans. Once again, the difference is theory vs. reality.
Liberal democrats have given us such programs as midnight basketball. Their theory was that those who commit crimes under cover of darkness aren't criminals, society has just failed to occupy their time. They rob and rape because they are bored. I have always disagreed with that theory.
That pesky reality has always been a thorn in the side of the liberal!
Oh, and I forgot to ask, how much of the debt do you believe the Iraq war is responsible for?
And to keep it at a reasonable amount, don't include the human costs - the lost lives (husbands/wives; sons/daughters; sisters/brother), the lost arms and legs, the physical scars, the emotional scars and their loved ones that have to deal with all these losses. Don't include these costs.
Follow me on twitter @sydsmoviepicks
The budget deficit is shrinking you useless Repukes!
WASHINGTON—A rapidly shrinking federal budget deficit is upending bipartisan talks to reach a federal budget deal, illustrating the conundrum Washington faces with an improving near-term fiscal outlook but continued longer-term pressures tied to aging baby boomers.
The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday the federal deficit is expected to shrink to $642 billion in the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, narrowing from the agency's estimate of $845 billion three months ago and sharply lower than last year's $1.087 trillion shortfall.
The agency attributed the drastic shift to higher-than-expected individual and corporate tax payments, due in part to growth and higher rates that kicked in at the beginning of the year, and large dividend payments that mortgage-finance companies Fannie Mae FNMA +26.32% and Freddie Mac FMCC +26.37% plan to make to the government this year.
After four straight years of $1 trillion deficits, the country's fiscal picture is changing. A slowly recovering economy, cuts in government spending driven by periodic budget clashes, and higher taxes have narrowed the gap between what the government brings in and what it spends.
These developments have virtually halted deficit-reduction talks because politicians suddenly find they have breathing room before the next deadline requiring negotiations between political parties locked in disagreement over vastly different budget priorities.
LOL at the TS. Detroit just went Bankrupt because Obozo doesn't care anymore, He got re-elected. He's more concerned at disarming the population and spreading racial hate to care about the morons in Detroit. Enjoy that "Hope and Change".