Bush took us to war based on the argument that they had WMDs and that was HIS reason for going to war.
That was A reason for going to war. Nobody knew for certain what Hussein's capabilities were, because he jerked around the inspectors at every opportunity. He'd proven himself grossly untrustworthy, had murdered and gassed and made war on his own people, had invaded three neighboring countries and launched missiles at a fourth, and held his people in an iron grip of fear, murder and terror. The WMD thing should not even have been important. Liberals globbed onto that after the fact as a way to attack a war they didn't want. Now that Obama has waged war against other nations with no WMD's, you have no right to continue spouting that bull****. You've freely admitted that it doesn't truly matter. So give it up. It was not an illegal war, and Bush is not, nor ever has he been, a war criminal. Obama has done everything Bush has and more. I'd appreciate you holding him to the same standards.
I never cared much for Bush. There are scarce few politicians I do care about. But I deplore rank hypocrisy and double standards. So I want people out in front of the White House calling Obama a war mongering criminal for attacking people in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Somalia for crimes far less horrific and under flimsier pretense than Bush ever did. Yet for some reason I don't see that. Why?
Hussein was a despot and a true criminal. He had no right, nor business claiming lordship over millions of people. In a sane and righteous world, there should have been people and nations lining up around the block for the chance to destroy that regime. If the Bush administration overplayed the WMD card a bit, I don't really care. Got that miserable piece of **** some justice, didn't it?
Don't get me wrong. Obama can wage war on despots, murderers, and general bad guys to his hearts content. As long as there are courageous men and women willing to bear that burden, they can topple dictators and lunatics till the cows come home. But what I deplore here is the rank and utter hypocrisy of the lefties in this nation. That's apparent on all sides of the political spectrum, mind. But it is particularly offensive from the liberal types.
Bush did the right thing in deposing that son of a ***** and I hope he rots in hell. Provided of course there is one. Times like this I hope there is because no Earthly justice (even those methods used by these ISIS pricks) is fitting for that kind of a tyrant. Bout time you clowns (not you specifically Roy, but the 'bush is a war criminal, man' types) accepted that.