MovieChat Forums > 2016: Obama's America (2012) Discussion > The people of Israel are on their own

The people of Israel are on their own revolution-day-2015-as-it-negotiates-nuclear-deal/

I don't understand. He's been so nice to them. He's basically allowed them to do whatever they want. Won't discuss any consequences if they continue their pursuit of nuclear weapons (weapons with only one purpose in the hands of the Iranian government). I thought that was supposed to bring peace. That's what Obama says. He went all over that part of the world apologizing for America's wrongdoing, and pulled all our guys out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Shouldn't that have pleased the mullahs and rid them of their desire for nuclear weapons? They only want peace right?

Yeah, I'm being sarcastic. The people of Israel are going to have to handle this problem themselves. Obama is NOT going to help you. Like the Ukrainians, with Obama has a security pact, he has abandoned the Israeli people to nuclear holocaust because he is too cowardly to stand up to the Iranians. They will be a nuclear power, which means Israel will be destroyed. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions will perish. Every sunni dominated country in the world will be racing to become nuclear armed themselves. The Sunni-Shia war that's been going on for over a thousand years will become a nuclear conflict.

Happy Trails America. Good job with your voting.


We owe Israel nothing. I hate how people make it seem that if you are anti-Israeli, that you are anti-semetic. Israel is an apartheid state!!!


Israel is an apartheid state!!!

Perhaps. But out of necessity, not choice. Their neighbors are too often cruel, genocidal, and savage. They've built an amazing country considering the neighborhood. Considering the history of their people, and their strong connections to so many in the US, I think they deserve our help.

We owe Israel nothing.

Friends don't do because they owe, they do because they want to.

Yes, I just quoted Rocky, but sometimes...well....Rocky's right.


Last I checked we weren't the United States of Israel. We owe them nothing! We don't owe Iran a thing either. I like how Obama is working out a deal instead of bombing Iran.

Remember Iran has NEVER invaded or declared war on another nation. Iraq started the Iran/Iraq war.

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Obama is working out a deal instead of bombing Iran.

They're playing him for a fool, and apparently he's fine with that as long as he doesn't have to deal with it while still in office. He's running out the clock until it is somebody else's problem, and gambling with the lives of untold millions of innocent people in the process. Not just Israelis, but millions of Sunni Muslims, and others as well. The Iranians want nuclear weapons for two reasons. #1 - So they have an effective deterrent in place so the West will not interfere with their despotism and they can oppress whomever they want at will. #2 - To destroy a nation of 6 million people.

Remember Iran has NEVER invaded or declared war on another nation.

Never had to. They'd had Syria and Hezbollah to do their dirty work for them. Once they have nuclear weapons as an effective deterrent (not that they need one with Obama in the White House) you can bet that those problems will become much, much worse. The Iranians are smart. They saw what happened to Saddam when he tried to wage conventional warfare against the US and its allies. Nuclear weapons are a game changer, and once they have them there is no turning back. Only bad things will come of it. Obama simply can't, and doesn't want to, deal with it.

You ought to go visit Iran and proselytize to them of your Atheist beliefs. See how long you last. We'd see you running back to America begging them to take you back.

Sad enough that our pathetic political leadership let the Kim regime in North Korea develop nuclear weapons capabilities. But at least they are only looking out for their own survival. They don't actively seek to conquer or dominate anybody, only to oppress the **** out of the millions of slaves they already have. That's bad enough. But if the Mullah's in Iran find themselves with the power to destroy cities, they are going to destroy cities.


If we bomb Iran, we could start World War 3, that's Russia and China's backyard!

And the Iranian Military is every capable, they have built stealth drones based on the one they captured from us, and their jet and missile technology to up to date. Also most Iranian citizens are faced with mandatory military service at a young age, my Iranian friend sent two years
in mandatory service, he said they could launch long range missiles from Serbia to Bangladesh, that means all is foregin bases in that area are an instant target....


You should always avoid war and use diplomacy as the 1st option like Obama is doing. You don't really think Iran will sit back and do NOTHING if Israel or the U.S. boms them?

If we go to war put up or shut up herb! Go and fight! I'm sure you'll do that! 

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


You should always avoid war and use diplomacy as the 1st option like Obama is doing.

What do you mean "1st Option". It's been tried, and tried, and tried, and tried to death and Iran is closer to achieving the status of a nuclear power than it ever has been before. Obviously it is not working, and Obama doesn't want to admit that. He is simply trying to broker a deal that will get his feet out of the fire and kick the problem down the road to the next President. That's not leadership, that's cowardice. He's not negotiating from a position of strength, and the Iranians see and understand the benefits of having nuclear weapons capabilities.

If we go to war put up or shut up herb! Go and fight! I'm sure you'll do that

Obama never went to war, and he advocated military activity in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and God knows how many other nations. Not everybody is meant to be a soldier. Not everybody can be a soldier. That is a really weak and tiresome 'argument' fauny. Give it up.

I don't advocate military action lightly. I'm a student of history and I understand the enormous sacrifices that such action requires. But I also see the danger in allowing a despotic, unpredictable, aggressive and genocidal regime to develop nuclear weapons capability, especially considering the asymmetric terrorist nature of Iran's sphere of influence. If sacrificing a thousand can save 10 million, then I'm going to advocate military action. There are young men and women willing and able to answer that call. God bless them for it. Such aggression must be kept in check, and that requires war sometimes. That's all there is to it.

You don't really think Iran will sit back and do NOTHING if Israel or the U.S. boms them?

No. Who said that?

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!

Been able to prove that yet? 


you know this not to be true...bubbapwned...


Very interesting thread. Too bad it's buried in the forums of a movie which is likely to fly under the radar of the majority of main stream movie viewers. Anyway, just to add a few thoughts from my opposite side of the spectrum.
1. As another poster mentioned, America is infinitely better off disassociating with the unlawful, occupying state of Israel. America doesn't owe the so-called nation of Israel anything yet it has historically been bending over backwards and jumping through hoops to please every whim Israel has had since the unlawful 1948 mandating of the sovereign nation of Palestine to a bunch of homeless Jews. I don't want to get into a historical/political debate here but I'm telling you the simple belief of the vast majority of Arabs and Muslims. You mentioned that Israel is justified to be an apartheid regime because of the nature of its neighbors and even its Arab population. We, Muslims, beleive Israel is occupying lands that rightfully belong to the people who had resided there for the past 1200 years prior to the UK giving it away to complete strangers. At any case, this whole paragraph is a digression from my point. Most Americans do feel a deep sense of indebtment towards the nation of Israel. Some are aware of this on a conscious level. Most have been implanted with this feeling (among an array of other emotions that America's puppet masters have spent the last 200 years implanting in Americans) through a doctrine that starts with school students reading and weeping their eyes out over Number the Stars and an entertainment media that's wholly controlled by Zionism and serves no one but Zionist agenda at the cost of non suspecting Americans's wellbeing. The more religious American is kept in the same "America will die to defend Israel" sphere through biblical teachings that the installation and continuation of the state of Israel is paramount to facilitating the second coming of the messiah, aka Jesus Christ.
2. If we remove the religious Christian emotion out of the equation, why is America friends with the so-called Israel? What has Israel offered to America and Americans other than taxing American economies by hundreds of millions of tax-payer dollars that go into arming Israel and keeping its military institution top notch? This is happening at the cost of 1.5 billion Muslims (Sunni and Shia) loathing America (and in the case of extremists, Americans by proxy). This is happening at the cost of helping Israel in a war which prompted the famous oil embargo which devastated American economy and regular every day Americans. Regular every day Americans called out their politicians for what they perceived as American dependency on foreign oil but no one questioned the root cause which started the embargo: America getting its nose stuck in a war it has absolutely no stakes in, aside from the aforementioned religious stakes.
3. Obama, while initially perceived by Arabs and Muslims as finally a reasonable, intelligent leader of the world's only super power (after Bush the idiot and Clinton the cheater and Bush the liar and Regan the Hollywood actor, etc) has proven on a daily basis that he has been a very skilled manipulator who, in spite of the average American beliefs, inflected the worst yet damage to Arabs in the Middle East. This is a common consensus not a scientific fact so I'd be happy to elaborate on why it's thought so if you want.
3. The deal with Iran, my dear friend, isn't to be taken at face value. Of course, and I mean no offense, I'm not the least bit surprised if more Americans than not did just that. After living years around the US, I personally know how news there tend to be exclusively one sided and rehearsed.
The Iran deal at face value is an indication of an end to an era of hoatilities between Iran and the west. As I type this, the detained US sailors who accidentally wandered into Iran territorial waters were freed in a historical record time and this just adds to the hype of how well America and Iran are getting along.
However, the deal was tailored to fuel the regional tensions between Sunni and Shia populations and governments. In essence, a pure devide and conquer tactic. If you follow the news you will see that Obama's Iran deal has already sparked unprecedented diploma rifts between the two regional powers Saudi and Iran.
Now, all that said, I don't think you need to be worried about "calculated risks" such as Iran. What America and the rest of the world (including people from all faiths and races) is the IS (which, by the way, ironically is believed to be the brainchild of America's CIA, by many Arabs and Muslims - another form of the America financed jihadists who later on formed the so called al-Qaeda) and NK. Those two powers are almost certainly in possession of nuclear weapons, either of their own manufacting or through the purchasing of former USSR nations or such, and they are volatile and emotional enough to initiate massive global strikes to serve whatever insane agendas they have.


Good post!

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Hey BOY Obama gave Israel the Iron Dome.


Hey BOY Obama gave Israel the Iron Dome.

Iron Dome will not protect Israel against the nuclear attack that Obama and Kerry have opened the door for.
