This guy and his party jack the health care system and put it under government control, screwing over a lot of decent people in the process, not to mention plunging us further into debt. Then they supervise the building of a crap website. Then when people can't use their crap website, they use it as an excuse to throw even more money out the window, all the while trying to weasel out of all responsibility for the bull**** they caused.
It'd be nice if Obama's sheepish supporters could come up with something better than "but Bush!" and "Fox news lies!" every time they're trying to cheerlead the most corrupt administration in national history because their liberal zealotry is stronger than their common sense or basic morality.
It'd be nice if idiots who use Bane as their avatar could manage to not fall back on the lazy metaphor of herd animals when describing their opposition while ignoring the same attributes in people of their own side of the political spectrum.
It'd also be nice if people of similar ilk could actually find a source of criticism for President's policies and progressive ideals (note: not the same) could do the leg work of finding criticism from neutral sources (they are out there) so that the perspective would be a lot less partisan.
I don't see what my avatar has to do with the discussion at all, or how it qualifies as a point.
Look up the national debt, math is as neutral as it gets. Obama singlehandedly has accumulated more debt than all previous presidents COMBINED. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt how damaging his radically 'progressive' policies have been.
He has in fact lied about people being able to keep their insurance, and millions have been forced into plans that do not work as well for them because of his lies, this public record. One doesn't need to read some heavily right-wing leaning source to know about this.
His IRS targeting of those that politically disagreed with him, his expansion of NSA spying, his NDAA provisions that grant presidential authority to arrest or kill US citizens sans any evidence or trial (which has been covered by Rachel Maddow, who even admitted how insidious this legislation is)...all common knowledge.
Asking for evidence of the corruption and failure of this admin and its policies is like asking for evidence that water is wet.
The fact that you deny such obvious facts is why it seems quite clear that you are the epitomte of an internet troll that's not even trying to raise valid points. Continued support of such a disgustingly corrupt political figure is also why a metaphor to a herd of sheep is perfectly valid, the only reason for anyone to still be supporting him is because he represents what they think is their 'team.' If some radically right wing president had been nearly as damaging as Obama, I'd feel exactly the same way about their supporters (and for the record, I hated the Bush admin. throughout his time in office, I just wish the president that followed had been an improvement rather than the previous presidents flaws on steroids).
a. I have no problem with debt math. My only problem...don't blame the President alone. We have a problem in this nation. April 15 has become a day of mourning. In many civilized countries tax day is a day when the people can say, "Yay...we are coming together, pooling our resources, to get the things we want done."
The disconnect between the corporate powers and the people as far as to the spirit of taxation is EXCECRABLE. The day we can jail corporate tax evaders WORSE than we jail drug addicts will be a day of resurrection in this country.
Corporations and rich people have the debt as their biggest concern. Real people rate it way under number one which is jobs. Jobs which thanks to NAFTA and other corporate machinations are going to mexicans, chinese, and indians.
b. Ya know what? Kiss my ass as far as ACA goes. If your type had your way their would be none. If my type had their way there would be single payer!!! So you know what? Blame your side for this compromise mess if you don't like it.
c. Yeah...I'll give you that the NDAA, much of the NSA, and some of the IRS stuff also bug me. Definitely those are just some of similar type things that I said since 2008 that made me sure that Obama was no real progressive...just a left leaning statist/centrist.
now here's some subjects you missed...for whatever reason (because you don't care about such things?...who knows):
d. I do hate my President's foreign policy vis-a-vis israel Iran and the middle-east. I am proud to have honorably served, but if we can ever stop threatening sanctions and war for the sake of a jewish nation that has it's own weapons... ....AND if we can ever stop sending them $20BILLION a year EVERY YEAR just so they can do whatever they want to eff up negotiations ...AND if that same nation can have nuclear weapons but no inspectors along with Pakistan, India and North Korea...if all that can be stopped. Well it isn't gonna stop but yeah definitely something President Obama does wrong and will probably continue doing wrong into the future.
e. Climate change. We are headed to disaster. The irreversible type. I don't even joke about this. America/President Obama is lagging behind ALL western nations in what it is doing to stop the slide. I won't bother saying more to you about this because you just might say something stupid that will make me want to punch your face about some industry paid "scientists"/'studies" that deny climate change
f. Absolutely love what he is doing with the Supreme Court. Love it. Roberts has effed the american people in the ass. He has all but guaranteed continued politcal corruption across the legislative and executive branches. I don't wish anybody death...but all we need is for one more justice to retire and things will be looking sooooooo much better for the future. Two retire and liberty guaranteed. Honestly...the issue of the Supreme Court alone is all the reason I would needed to vote Donkey in 2008/12. You could have taken away other factors and still that is paramount enough of a reason. To keep a conservative president from wrecking our democracy for another dozens of years!
But let's get down to real cases here, BUDDY. And this gets down to your CENTRAL theme. Do I support everything President Obama does. HELL NO! But the alternative? Sheeeeittt! There is NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING you could say on any of these issues that would make me believe things would be better under McCain or Mitt. Just that simple. So you are damned right...I WOULD be harder on them if they were in power...because things would be worse...because they wouldn't even be doing some of the things I WANT!
But actually let us really get down to YOUR case, baneface. Someday, possibly, in theory, before you die you might have the libertarian/"independent" clown of your choice in power. Now the only way I would vote for someone like Gary Johnson is if he went left on domestic issues but stayed the course on foreign...but my voting for him is a tangent. Anyhow, in this theoretical future...he will be your boy. And you and people like you will defend him just the way people defend Obama. Some vociferously. Some reluctantly. Some with qualifications. ...and those people will be just as much "sheep" as the current partisan sheep are. You will support your guy because he is doing things you want. The only reason you don't seem like a sheep now is because your flock is pretty sparse. But get all your crew together and you will roll deep just like all sheep do. Because there is strength in numbers. That's democracy. That's life.
So this holier-than-thou "y'all are jus' a bunch a sheep" horse sht don't impress me none. That's why I say, save it. There are idiots who will follow bitcoin down to the end. Is it herd mentality or prudent capitalistic tactics? Depends on your viewpoint. But I ain't lifting nobody up as "above the fray". Nobody. If/when your boy gets into will be singing the exact same mantra I am: "Beats the alternative".
Well...thank you for letting me get my diatribe out. We probably won't be dialoguing much more on this because, as I said before, neither of us are going to change our positions. But thanks for reading this far, if you have, and ya know, if we don't ever get together for drinks or a bbq ever in the future...
"Ya know what? Kiss my ass as far as ACA goes. If your type had your way their would be none. If my type had their way there would be single payer!!! So you know what? Blame your side for this compromise mess if you don't like it."
Kiss my ass...well, that's an intelligent, mature counterpoint.
Do you know what all the countries with a single payer, socialized system have in common? Every single one of them was economically weaker than the pre-Obama America. His socialist policies are destroying this country, and the country as a whole was clearly better off before Obamacare. You ignore this just don't like it. So far 6 million lost their insurance beginning in October...thats already a loss of 6 million. 7 million enrolled by the deadline. Taking into consideration the 6 million who lost their insurance that brings the total to 1 million enrollees. Your response to millions of people being forced into more expensive, less effective plans for them based on boldfaced lies, and business having to cut their hours for workers to compensate the higher costs is "kiss my ass!" The negative effects of this abhorent legislation have only just begun, but I have no doubt that sadly, no matter how bad it gets, you'll just keep shilling.
Of course it's not ENTIRELY Obama's fault that we're drowning in massive debt, the fact of the matter is he's added more to it than every prior president in national history combined.
I actually didn't make reference to climate change, but since you brought it up, that's another reason that economies are destroyed, jacking up peoples taxes and wasting time and money on ways to try to magically change the environment. Of course global warming isn't a big seller these days, so the name was changed to "climate change" so we'd have to give more money to the government regardless of what was happening.
"There is NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING you could say on any of these issues that would make me believe things would be better under McCain or Mitt."
Of course not, because you're supporting what you think is your team no matter what.
We'd be most well off with a third party candidate in office to bring down this disgustingly corrupt two party system all together, but as far as the alternative, NOONE in U.S. history has been as damaging to America as Obama has. That's stone cold fact. The fundamental difference between the parties is this. Both of them are run by corrupt bureaucrats, but what the republican party claims to and is meant to stand for is generally good and pro-American. The democratic party is not only represented by disgustingly corrupt people, but its supporters and advocates are so dangerously ignorant that they will support blatantly anti-american, destructive policies with a proven track record of destroying countries...that's why so many radical left wing liberals today are socialists and communists, that's why they support carbon taxes and other ridiculous ideas to change the earths climate (the earth has always gone through cooling and heating periods, this is nothing new), that's why they not only support the legalized mass murder of innocent children, but think taxpayers should be forced to fund it...the list goes on and on. With Romney or any other such candidate in office, much of the horrendously damaging policies of the Obama admin. would never move forward, because he wouldn't be able to get re-elected if they did. His base wouldn't accept him if they did. With Obama, his base consists of people that are dangerously naive, ignorant, stupid or just plain corrupt. He can pile up more debt in one term than every previous president in US history combined, violate civil liberties more than any other president, be the most divisive man in US history making friend turn against friend on account of his horrid policies, and just plain do every possible thing to weaken America...and his base will just keep cheering him on anyway.
Joe Biden said in his own words that a one world government is necessary (and this is not some way out there conspiracy theory, you can look it up, those were his words). Do you know what you'd have to usher something like that in? Weaken the strongest nations so there is no dominant world superpower. Make people as reliant upon the government as humanly possible...that's exactly what the curret liberal democrat/radical communist agenda is designed to do. Obama isn't entirely responsible for it, but he's advancing America's destruction at the most rapid rate of any president ever...and his cheerleaders are either oblivious to this fact, or simply don't care.
a. who did you vote for in 2008 and 2012? b. who do you think you will wind up voting for in 2016? c. who would have been your ideal candidate for president in 2008 and 2012...out of all known politicians of any party or independent standing? d. who is your ideal candidate for 2016?
a. who did you vote for in 2008 and 2012? b. who do you think you will wind up voting for in 2016? c. who would have been your ideal candidate for president in 2008 and 2012...out of all known politicians of any party or independent standing? d. who is your ideal candidate for 2016?
Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Big step up from Obama.
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Hermain Cain, Ben Carson, Ron Paul, Rand Paul...all would be atleast decent candidates (although West lost quite a bit of credibility by not opposing the new NDAA provisions).
Romney is a businessman that became wealthy and successful by knowing how to balance budgets, we need a balanced buget. Obama has proven irrefutably to be the worst possible option to do this as he piled up more debt in a single term than had been piled up throughout the entire history of the nation before that. Whatever flaws he may have had, there's no reasonable way to say Obama was a better option.
"Big step up from Obama."
Considering the damage he has done, just about anyone would be.
I voted for the most viable option of keeping someone that I knew was dangerous away from office in 2008 and 2012, whether I felt they were the best option or not. I can't just make every decision as an idealist, I have to consider possibilities and probabilities.
You will keep clinging to the notion that Obama is better than whatever option opposed him at the time because you're a radical leftist that will ALWAYS support the most radically liberal option, regardless of how damaging it's been proven to be.
Oh, and I wasn't anti-liberal at all until Obama showed up. I used to be fairly liberal and hated the Bush admin. throughout his time in office, I didn't think anybody could make him seem good by comparison...until Obama showed up and pushed me as far away from liberal policies and ideologies as possible, with the help of his sociopathic, disgustingly ignorant, morally corrupt fan base.
you're a radical leftist that will ALWAYS support the most radically liberal option
You dam right! Well actually I don't know how radical my stances are. Polls show that most Americans are to the left of even the current administration on what they I don't know if I (or people like me) am really all that far out.
regardless of how damaging it's been proven to be.
You can't even get most conservatives to solidly agree on your yeah, to swing left leaning America...well...
I used to be fairly liberal
Really? Give me some of the "liberal" ideals you espoused.
BTW....tell me what you like about Ron Paul's foreign policies.
On November 6, 2012...God blessed America
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I can only assume that iroquoisjoe is either an alternate account of megafaun, or else someone that's equally as much of a deliberate obnoxious troll.
I'm not sure if it's possible for even a radical liberal to be as oblivious to reality as one has to be in order to think the things he actually posts.
The state of Massachusetts passed a health care reform law in 2006 with the aim of providing health insurance to nearly all of its residents. The law mandated that nearly every resident of Massachusetts obtain a minimum level of insurance coverage, provided free health care insurance for residents earning less than 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and mandated employers with more than 10 "full-time" employees to provide healthcare insurance.
RomneyCare was the first significant healthcare reform to happen in the U.S. for decades.
The primary goal of RomneyCare was to provide all citizens in MA with access to affordable health insurance and to eliminate the “free riders” who expected the government or taxpayers to pay for their health care. The plan did an extraordinary job of covering nearly half a million people who were previously uninsured without raising taxes. Under RomneyCare, the citizens of MA can be assured that they will retain their health coverage when they move from job to job, or if they suffer financial hardship.
Then I propose that all 50 states have the same opportunity as Massachusetts. All Citizens of America need and deserve the same health care as Romney passed in 2006.
How can something be a failure that is basically a brand new concept for the United States? In 50 years your grandchildren and great grandchildren will get to enjoy the benefits of this program as we will get to enjoy the benefits of Social Security and Medicare.