Interior decoration
Which might seem an odd topic to discuss about a show.
The office of the Holmes Clinic has several square pillars holding up the ceiling.
They are light blue with patches of other colors.
I wonder if there are maps on the pillars with the ocean light blue and land in various colors. Or possibly the colored patches are just random shaped areas of various colors painted on a blue background.
The above assume the patterns on the pillars are deliberate in universe.
I have seen walls and other building parts painted with different colors of paint over the years, and some of the paint worn off revealing different colored paint below it. Possibly in universe the pillars are supposed to be old and have been painted in several different colored layers and some of the paint layers have worn off in different locations.
And possibly Dr. Watson has had the pillars painted as some sort of variation on the Rorschach Test to see what people thought and felt about the pillars.