
More race-swapping garbage. The notion that a black could be a medical genius detective is utterly ridiculous — beyond laughable. Those responsible for this disgrace should be blacklisted from the entertainment industry.


Even the traditional white Watson created by Doyle was never a "medical genius detective". Holmes was the genius.


I don't think anyone's trying to erase white people but if we could somehow erase all ignorant idiots like yourself then that would be serious progress toward a much better world


Ironic that you call me ignorant, yet you’re completely blind to the fact that White people are being replaced in their own countries and their culture is being erased. These are nations their ancestors built — their birthright. Under the guise of diversity, non-White foreigners are being brought in, while the White population is actively discouraged from starting families and having children. Meanwhile, the mass media and entertainment industry relentlessly demonize White people and White culture while elevating and venerating minorities. They downplay or outright ignore the wrongdoing and criminal behavior of non-Whites while amplifying any perceived wrongdoing by Whites. And when Whites dare to point this out, they’re smeared as conspiracy theorists and racists. If you’re unaware of any of this, I suggest you sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.


By 2045 whites will become a minority in the US. Right now whites under 21 years old are already a minority. That's must be very uncomfortable for you. So much for your white supremacy. Now go fuck yourself!


if all whites had the same attitude as you I'd advocate for replacing them.

but fortunately, the only whites who share your obsessive opinion are other basement dwellers and losers desperate to claim ownership of achievements made by people who share nothing with you besides skin colour

because you have no merit of your own you cling to theirs, if you woke up and realised that while whites may have achieved things, you personally have achieved absolutely nothing and are a garbage human being that would be too much to handle, so you inflate your sense of self worth by claiming the achievements of pioneers and builders of civilisation. it's transparent and pathetic and the only ones who can't see it are people like yourself.

in a nutshell you're nothing, and you know deep down that you're nothing, so you hype up the ONLY thing you have in common with some successful figures of the past, your skin colour. but the reality is that you're no more like them than the trailer trash guests of Jerry Springer are


I don’t care about the achievements of White people — I only use that as a rhetorical tool to highlight the superiority of my people. But that’s not what this is about. I simply want to live among my own kind and see my country and culture preserved. It’s perfectly acceptable for every other race and ethnicity to think this way, yet when White people want the same, they’re labeled racists, basement dwellers, and losers. You are an anti-White, subhuman piece of garbage. Either you’re non-White and actively seeking to replace my brothers and sisters, taking what rightfully belongs to us, or you’re a traitor who’s turned against your race and your people. And being a traitor is worse than being an enemy. Hopefully, when fascists fully reclaim control of the West — as they’re doing now — people like you will be dealt with and removed from our societies.
