Better than Star Wars & Trek movies

Yes... I said it...

Not only is Valerian better than The Last Jedi, but it is also better than every previous Star Wars movie...

I know many nostalgists and fanatics will disagree, but first, before you reply please take the time to actually watch Valerian and secondly, yes... we all know about Star Wars' role in blockbuster movie history, box office sales... etc... That's not the point... Valerian is better, as a movie...

A few things about Valerian that I appreciate:

- Not desexualised... From our introduction to Valerian it's immidiately apparent that he is a sexual person... Not a stunted manchild... Not a little virgin boy afraid of boobies, hiding away to play with his, ahem... light stick... He wants Laureline, not just as a sexual conquest, but possibly to connect on a deeper level... This is adult and something lacking in Star Wars...

- It's French 😉

- It successfully creates a textured reality for the space fantasy movie without getting bogged down in the minutiae of world building, or nerding out on the side characters and objects to the point of fetishising them...

- Solid visuals and general aesthetics... Towers above Star Wars in this way...

- Despite showing a complex furture social, political and cultural reality, which enriches the plot and gives meaning to the choices the characters have to make, the movie transcendes simple political point scoring and allegory and rather takes a more humanist approach... Star Wars has never done this.. Star Trek movies actively ignore this...

- Love... Yes... In an abundent, scarcity-free future, our playboy Major Valerian is motivated not just by duty, but love... As that is one of the few constants than can anchor his humanity in such a futuristic world... He chooses to love... This is something so missing from American movies nowadays that I think most audiences can't recognise it... they're either too cynical and nihilistic about it, or nerdily equate it with getting laid, or worse of all, are oblivious to it entirely as is customary in most big budget comicbook & Star Wars movies nowadays... Compare Rose & Finn in The Last Jedi to Valerian & Laureline; wow, huge contrast...

Remember... Watch Valerian first before you reply... You will see what is missing from your Star Wars and similar American blockbuster movies...


Whilst I somewhat enjoyed it, I appreciated the world and stunning effects more than anything.

But Valerian & Laureline we’re terribly miscast in my opinion, I hope to God Cara Delevingne is never cast in a franchise or series I watch, one of the most annoying actress’s I’ve seen in a long while, whilst the guy playing Valerian didn’t come across as a leading man material to me, more so a sidekick to the hero type of guy.

Its better than Star Wars and Star Trek in their current forms, though thats not a high standard! But I can't compare it to the Star Wars orginal trilogy or any of the good Trek films.

Maybe Valerian needs a sequel or two, as I'm sure there are plenty of good tales to tell but I'd prefer a recast of the leads first.


As good as John Carter and Avatar


I also think it was better. I just watched it on Prime on my 80 inch TV and it looked amazing in 1080. I'll have to watch it again when I buy my new 75 inch 4K TV. Not sure if it's available yet in 4K but it will be soon otherwise non the less.

I thought the story was pretty damn good also. It was a 2 movie and I was never bored. As others have said I didn't care much for the leads. Not complaining about their acting, they just were miscast IMO. Other than that I absolutely loved it.

On to watching season 2 of Sneaky Pete, lol.


"my new 75 inch 4K TV. " get a projector instead! itll be $4000 cheaper!


If I had a man cave I'd probably go that route. Maybe when I move. I've been looking at the 75 inch 4k's, should be able to get a decent 1 around $1,500-$2,000. Go bigger than a 75 inch and the price really jumps.


Well, with all the Star Wars and Trek movies being an unimaginable Crap-O-Rama and with Valerian being just meh - yes, it's definitely better.


I would compare "Valerian" to the Star Wars prequels, not the much better original trilogy. Because the prequels were also weighed down by a pair of annoying, miscast, unconvincing young leads, but we're otherwise cool!

In both "Valerian" and the prequels, almost everything that happens around the central couple is interesting or looks cool. Yet the central couple keeps the film(s) from being great.
