Do you collect the Valerian books?

I have all of them! ... Including the first English printing of Valerian; The New Future Trilogy (2004). A collector's item. I think it is $600 now on Amazon. Yay me!

I'm sooooo excited for this real life version. The TIME JAM tv series from 2007 is really good.


I read them as a child. The one I remember the best is Birds of the Master. That story really freaked me out then.

Which ones are more enjoyable for adults..?


I've been getting the English translations on e-book through Google Play/Kindle as of late...very enjoyable. :)


I have a couple of them, but really need to complete my collection. I have read them all, up to the last one or so, but don't own them all.

L'Amour est mort, vive la Haïne


Cinebook releases Valerian in English. 11th episode 'The Ghosts of Inverloch' will be relased in March. Good translation.
