So this is the comic that helped inspire Star Wars?

this is the same comic correct, if so its undertaking will be interesting.


A lot of things inspired Star Wars, but what comics are concerned, this is the comic:


Sometimes I see things that unintentionally inspire things...I'm reading "Birds of the Master" (book 5) and the alien they meet on the slave ship, Sul, looks a lot like Jen the Gelfling from "The Dark Crystal". I don't know if the Frouds knew of this comic series, but it's some coincidence...


That is a great comic I've read the Valérian comics 20-25 years ago (books 1-13)and thought they were amazing,it was my favourite comic after the "Storm & The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire-series" by the late Don Lawrence.I hope they will do the comics justice and give a faithful portrayal of the main characters although I do see problems if they go on that road which will influence box-offices:

Valérian; He is not your run of the mill hero,The early stories present Valérian as a typical square-jawed hero figure, who is strong and dependable (although an early running joke was that despite being a time-traveller he is always running late, especially when summoned by his boss). However, as the series progresses, he is increasingly portrayed as somewhat knuckle-headed. In World Without Stars, he gets recklessly drunk on the colonists' home-made booze, in On the False Earths, the historian, Jadna, views him as useful only as cannon fodder and nothing else while in Heroes of the Equinox,he comes across as woefully inadequate compared with the champions he is competing against. Although devoted to Laureline, he has been led astray by other women, such as in Heroes of the Equinox and Brooklyn Station, Terminus Cosmos.

Laureline;is a strong and independent character although initially she was Valérians side-kick in which Valérian usually saves the day,it progressively is Laureline who is the stronger and smarter of the two.She more and more becomes the one who has to look after Valérian than the opposite and she is usually the one who has to be on Valérians back to get things done.And she is also not afraid of to exploit her considerable sex appeal(nudity;ratings issues).
