the cast chemistry
The chemistry between the cast especially between Eva Green and shailene Woodley was awful.they even don't like two sisters.
shareThe chemistry between the cast especially between Eva Green and shailene Woodley was awful.they even don't like two sisters.
The chemistry was good.
I would say that Shailene and Christopher had good chemistry. Their relationship played out well because of it, like the waving scene.
Shai had good chemistry with Gabby as well.
This movie was fairly terrible and I'm not usually the sort of person who deals in extreme critiques, much less feels prompted to write about it on IMDB. There was an extreme lack of chemistry between most of the characters, which I imagine is by design but her friends' dialog was forced, stereotypical and altogether annoying. Meloni's character never once had any real direction and even though that was kind of the point of his character, the idea itself played out preposterously. Eva Green was robotic in her attempts at playing her character and between her two parents and no siblings, there was no way in hell that Shailene could have ended up so well adjusted.
Just my 2 cents.
[Spoiler Alert] I'm not really sure what you mean about Kat ending up well-adjusted. She's getting good grades at college, which means she's smart, but that doesn't mean she's well adjusted. She pretty much broke up with her college boyfriend just because he told her smoking is bad for her health, which seemed like a big reaction over something small. That's pretty much what happens to a person in total denial, which she was for the entire movie. Believing she wasn't really upset about her parents' bad relationship, her mother treating her like a pet, and her mom disappearing. She dealt with stuff by not dealing with it. After her cop boyfriend tells her he thinks her dad killed her mom, her friends tell her that they told her the same thing right after Eve disappeared. But the viewers watching the film never saw that because the film was filtered through Kat's perspective, and she couldn't handle that thought and immediately pushed it out of her mind. She was dreaming about her mother in snow. Doesn't that mean subconsciously she always knew her mother was in the freezer? I think Freud with have a field day with Kat, Queen of Denial.