Out Of Left Field Ending

The movie was good, but suffered from an unnecessary shock ending. I understand the father killing the mother for her having sex with Phil, but because she caught the father having sex makes literally no sense. There was never any kind of relationship shown between the father and Phil. If this is how the book ends, I hope the author gave any indication that the father even knew Phil as their relationship was non-existant in the film.


Actually, there are quite a few hints. His wife's contempt for him. The ladies in his office who are interested in him, but who he ignores. His relationship with his new beard, I mean, girlfriend. The boyfriend's blind mother might only know that SOMEONE is having an affair with her son and she just assumes it's the wife. Also, homosexuality was a lot more in the closet in 1988 than it is now. So it's not unbelievable somebody might do that if found out

Araki's direction is not great and Eva Green chews the scenery quite a bit, so the ending seems awkward, but I don't think that's because of the STORY.


He didn't kill her because she caught him with a guy, he killed her because of her reaction, laughing at him incessantly struck a nerve that made him need shut her up, her dying was an unintended result. But since she did die he had to try to cover it up.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.



