MovieChat Forums > White Bird in a Blizzard (2014) Discussion > For those curious: The BOOK ending spoil...

For those curious: The BOOK ending spoilers!

As you may know, the ending in the movie is drastically different and about a million times worse than the book. I've read the book several times (it's one of my favorites) andI'm here to spoil the ending for those of you who are curious...

In the book: Eve WAS sleeping with Phil. Brock (Chris Meloni) comes home from work early after Phil's mom tells him of their affair. When he discovers them in bed together, he chases Phil out and shoots Eve in a rage. He puts her body in the freezer and Kat finds her body. The END. There was no random homosexual affair, Brock never moved Eve's body to the mountains, he never confessed to her murder, and the ending was SO MUCH better in the book.

If you have any other book questions, feel free to ask!


Movie ending didn't make sense



Yes, the bit with the lie detector on the answering machine was in the book as well. It definitely was a turning point for Kat as we saw, where she realized that her father was actually capable of keeping things from her.
I can see the parallels with the homosexual attitudes during the 80s as well. After some thought, I kinda preferred the movie ending a bit more (sorry for the mini rant ;___:):
The film and novel are told from the perspective of the unreliable perspective of Kat. Everything she sees, or witnesses, may not be as it had actually occurred, mostly with her sexual awakening of sorts. She's a teenage girl, everything that is going on with her life, outside of her home life, is what is genuinely the whole world to her, and what matters the most. Also that she has finally understood the power that her body has on people. In this sense, this really reminded me of American Beauty, as well as the attitudes of suburban life, and the deconstruction of it.
Now, everyone was quick to assume in both the film and the novel that Eve had run away, and was obviously having an affair, because she wasn't satisfied with her marriage, and everyone was quick to feel sorry for her father, being how innocent and perfect he seemed. And as we learned, nothing is as it seems. I suppose the secret to Brock could also explain himself distancing himself from his wife sexually, as well as Eve reading all those books, and trying to satisfy him, even though she never could in that manner. As well as THAT laugh that Eve does, a laugh that combines not only the shock, but the realization and explanation for her husbands mannerisms, and participation in their marriage.
In many ways, Kat had the same idea of Phil as her father, she mentions he's kinda dumb, and really has no motivation. Now while that may be, of course he himself was possibly looking for escape from his mundane life in other ways? Not sure really. I feel that Phil's part in having an affair with either the mother or the father ultimately ended up the same, but I feel where the movie ending might have come to mind in the writing process was when Phil tells Kat something along the lines of "Ask your father, he's got your mother under his sleeve." Which I guess could be interpreted in different ways.
Once Kat realized the truth of what had actually been done, the image of her mother she had numbed herself of after all these years had changed in that instant.
I suppose going for the book ending might have been cliche in film form? We could never know.
Regardless of what you think, many are saying that it being a film by Gregg Araki and him going for shock value, which he does in his films (which I tend to enjoy), or if you enjoyed the film on its own, I think ultimately both endings work well in their respected mediums.



Going with the books ending would have had most people calling it cliched, because thats EXACTLY what I would've expected Eve having an affair and Brock offing her and Kat finding the body in the freezer. and thats exactly where I saw it going and then that didn't happen, and I kind of relaxed and then BAM. Nope. Here's me thinking Araki had layed off the shocks this time. I think the ending in the movie is genuinely shocking (I definitely screamed NO really loudly at one point), it may not be entirely coherent to the plot ( The detective said Phil's mother was having an affair, but it ended up being Phil sleeping with Brock? ) but it is extremely affective AND affecting. It took me a while to catch my breath from crying so much.


Im torn. I love the book and the ending was interesting. That being said it was kind of a cliffhanger, which doesn't always work for movies. Im fine with this ending because it shed some more light on the after. For a movie it works. All that aside the book is still by far way better in general, as most books are.

I can appreciate this ending in the movie. It is out of left field for book readers since we know the other ending and got way more details to it leading there.



>>The ending was changed for various reasons, the most obvious because since females will be the primary target audience>> That way, 80% of the audience can go home thinking "those damn men!!"

It's more about the director's existential viewpoint:

But being gay in a society like this totally affects my films. Being gay, or queer, as the lingo goes, does put you outside or underground.

I would guess that is why it was changed beyond any narrative logic inherent in the original work. He decided to make it about closet cases.


Although Eve didnt have sex with Phill she was far from being a perfect woman, and it's not like she was loyal to her husband,it was obvious she actually wanted to sleep with Phill


Yeah, because _just_ killing her isn't making him a horrible human being at all... Come on.



You make some good points.

I was more saying that the ending was good for hollywood. Let me just say the book ending is great and ties way more into not only Kat, but the theme of Kat and her mother throughout the book. Looking back and really thinking it probably would have been a better ending. All that said we get closure in the murder/missing aspect. We know the mother was killed, why she was killed, and we know that Kat knows what happened to her mother. Would it have been better to get a bit more Kat? Sure it really would have, I love Kat. General people who watch movies and don't like cliffhangers may like this ending. They got the majority covered. That's what I meant. Not everything was covered, but the main element of, where is the mother? was covered.

Let me just say though that Gregg should have made the movie longer since he wanted this ending. The movie was rather short. Had he added maybe 10 or 20 more minutes the ending wouldn't feel so rushed. We got closure about the mom but it was rushed.

An above poster said that Gregg says his lifestyle plays into his movies. I can see that. I don't see it as "man has affair and kills wife" to please women. Women have affairs. Women kill their husbands. I wasn't offended by the mother having an affair because look at all we saw. We saw a unhappy woman. This woman had a book about trying to have orgasms, she obviously wasn't happy. Her having an affair actually makes sense. The dad having an affair makes sense in general, but not with what we know about his character. The dad having an affair with the boyfriend doesn't to me. I could just be invested in the book version of the boyfriend, maybe that's why?



Thank You OP for your explanation of the difference between the book and the movie.. the endings that is.. Very good analysis and explanation from ALL.. Thanks..

I just thought there was no hint of the ending, and thought it improbable.. thanks again


So in the book Brock gets away with the murder and his daughter does not turn him in?
