MovieChat Forums > White Bird in a Blizzard (2014) Discussion > One of the worst endings to one of the w...

One of the worst endings to one of the worst movies

Despite not being shocked by part of the twist, the scenario was ridiculous. I thought at one point the film, which I was hating throughout, was going to go into a wonderful direction, but it didn't even come close. There wasn't anything good about it. Fine actors, with a wooden script, some absolutely ridiculous minor characters and the language. You have 1988-1991 setting, yet the only thing you make even close to being relevant is the music. The set pieces were straight out of the 70's and the language was the late 90's, early 2000's. I really like this cast and wanted to like anything about this film, but it's so poorly done in every way and the ending just makes you cringe.


I wonder why eve was laughing seeing Brock and Phil sleeping together which was odd.


She was emasculating him, she wasn't hurt one bit because she did not love him at all.


I think it's fitting that the family house (especially the basement) looks straight out of the seventies because that's the point. We know they bought the house shortly before the girl was born - hence in the early seventies. You have to be pretty well off to be able redecorate your house every time furniture and decoration fashions change, especially if everything is still in good enough condition. Besides, it was a middle-aged couple's house, so it seems unlikely that they'd try to make it hip and up to date.

As for the movie as a whole, I was quite pleasantly surprised. It was not so much a mystery, but more of a mood piece with plenty of pensive moments, strong atmosphere atmosphere, fine cinematography and mostly good performances. But the ending was indeed awful! All the buildup went to seed as soon as she said "That was the last time I saw my dad." The last five minutes seemed to be taken from a different movie and really left a sour taste in my mouth. But aside from that, I liked the movie quite a bit.

I'm here, Mr. Man, I cannot tell no lie and I'll be right here till the day I die


johnhopper you are absolutely right about the set design with white porcelain knobs and avocado appliances but maybe that would be an indication that their income level was not great and they couldn't modernize. The music was a little bit all over the place but I guess Kat was very precocious and atypical so her musical tastes would be varied. monstermayhen I feel Eve was laughing because seeing her husband in bed with Phil said a lot about their failed relationship


I just thought the whole thing with the crock pot was off and other things, but that's not a huge deal and not anything to do with why I didn't like the movie. I thought the laugh was more for us, the viewers. To give a valid reason for him killing her. That being said, I hated the whole concept of the ending, but by then I despised the entire movie anyway, sp nothing would have saved it


I agree about the sets and the dialog. Nothing in those looked or sounded like the late 80s. Especially the slang ("Team Oliver!") I mean, do a little research when making a period movie.
