Anyone else disappointed in the ending (SPOILER)
When Kat suspects her Mom might be in the freezer, she looks but she is not there. But then it turns out that she use to be there, but was moved, and the Dad got drunk and confessed to murder, pretty much right after she left.
However, I find this ending to feel very tacked on. Like they couldn't come up with a very interesting way for the truth to be found out, so they decided to have a false alarm, and then have it be found later, over narration, just by a convenient confession while drunk. It just felt anticlimatic for me.
Also when the Mom catches the Dad with Phil, I felt this was also tacked on because we never get any scenes of the Phil with the Dad, prior to this. You can argue that it makes it more of a shocking surprise, but it also feels short changed as a result too. The movie seems to rely more on misdirection than climatic build up. What do you think? Is it me?