More lazy writing…

Seems to be the trend these days with Hollywood.

Let’s take a historical subject, and rather that research for historical accuracy, and write interesting dialog, we’ll just make it more repulsive than something one would watch on Pronhub, and call it “a comedy”.

Noticed the same type of repulsive sex scenes in the new Sex and the City errrr “and just like that”.

This series is unwatchable garbage.


Elle Fanning is at least one of the few actresses who openly admit that she loves getting naked on camera


Who doesn't like a nice tart ?


That's a bit harsh. Overall I enjoyed the first season although the novelty effect soon wore off. It's well made and there some good actors in the cast and I was also impressed by Elle Fanning's acting chops. But I take your point that doing a comedy-drama lets the writers get away with a more slap-dash style.

I doubt that I'll bother with the second season.
