MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > I've really never understood why Rachel ...

I've really never understood why Rachel hates the clones so much

It might be just be a really simple obvious answer that has been going over my head the whole time.


I don't believe that they have ever officially spelled it out. However, through the storytelling, one could infer for many reasons. She was raised as a child of science, self aware from the start. She lacked the loving upbringing that the others had. Perhaps she knew, somehow, that she was essentially "sloppy seconds" since Amelia made off with the baby(s) that was/were meant to be raised by Neolution instead? And eventually she found out that Sarah was able to have a biological child while she couldn't... and that was later made even more devastating when she found out that they were supposed to have been made sterile by design. I'm sure that deep down, there's some jealousy that she couldn't live free like the others, that she couldn't have a child like Sarah and she was raised without that loving environment so she's cold. I'm hoping others can weigh in and mention things that I may have missed or forgotten. I also think, deep down- she's just crazy! So......

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


I definitely think Rachel envies Sarah, because like you said, Sarah was able to have a child and the other sisters can't. Sarah literally was the loophole.
I also think she has some resentment at the fact that the other sisters get along well, and will die for one another if it comes to it (and probably wouldn't for her). They're one big family. Something Rachel never really had.

Rachel is just really bitter. Remember the look on her face when she smashed the vials of blood in 2x10? Man, she HATES Sarah.


Oops. Wait. Helena can have babies too. I totally forgot about her storyline this season duh LOL .


There's some answers in the Rachel and Helsinki comics. I'll let you discover those answers yourself.


I've heard that there's more info in the comics, but I didn't know enough to speak to it. I'm going to have to look in to this so that I, myself- can understand better! Thanks for confirming this!

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Oooh! I'll have to check those out too! Thanks!


Maybe she just hates herself, and the clones giver her an easy output for it?


I agree that Rachel is jealous that Sarah can have a daughter, but Rachel, like Helena in season one, thinks she is special and therefore more important than the other clones. According to Rachel, the other clones just don't realize that they need to do what Neolution wants them to do.


Rachel is a psychopath. She ticks off all the boxes for antisocial personality disorder.
