Best Allison quotes?

I love her "expletives" like "Christ on a crab cake!" Or "Cheese and crackers Donnie!"

Trying to to remember whatvsome of her other ones were.

Oz: Our lives are different from other people's.
- Graduation Day Part 1


My personal favorite is "Holy doodle, here we go."


Oh gosh that's mine as well!!


"I'm objectifying you. Sexually. To get back at Donnie."
"Lord and butter, Donnie!"
"Do we have a boat? Have you ever seen Dexter? I mean, random scuba divers are finding everything!"
"At least I had the good sense to leave mine where she dropped."
"I don't believe I've ever done "the nasty"."

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Um this is just from memory..

Interogating Donnie with the glue gun: "Am I sick, like the german?"

"I can't go to prison. I have the wrong temperament. If they touch me in the shower I will cut them."

(about her drug/gun dealer Ramone) "He has many jobs. He is very hard working".


Donnie, my sister has a robot maggot in her face. You tell me what the solid plan is.



When Helena is "being hostess" and knows all of the campaign staff
Donnie: How did she know all of that?
Allison: She's a trained assassin
D: Well, we've killed people...
A: That's different, we're more like... manslaughterers

Not verbatim of course but I think some pee came out I was lauhing so hard


That's a constant problem for me with this show...


Allison: "He was... urban."
Sarah: "What the hell does that mean?"
Allison: "Not white, okay?"


Nothing beats: 'I have the runs but I'm packing heat' :D


That is a good one!

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


My current favorite is from Alison and Donnie's prison visit: "Stop telling me to be cool, I'm not cool!" It just encapsulates why I love Alison so much, she's an uptight, high-strung, perfectionist but she owns it.
