best tatiana film thread
(copied from another place, hopeful this busy-busy board wants to weigh in too.)
setting Orphan Black aside, we've been tracking down some of her other work. best of the bunch is the rarely seen "Cas & Dylan" (2013). she's on camera in nearly every scene, paired with Richard Dryfus, off on a loong canadian road trip.
the imdb rating nets 6.6 from 710 votes. Tatiana fans more likely gonna give it a 10; imdb's webpage is here..
what caught an eye today is how C&D debuts OnDemand for Comcast subscribers getting the Showtime premium channel, in addition to live on TMC in september. better yet get a hold of dvd's bonus content. ie, via Netflix/DVD members, or free from better public libraries.
anyways, check it out.
DrHorrible's Singalong Blog ('08): "Don't worry. Captain Hammer will save us."