Just started, on the 3rd episode and I'm already sick of Art. Who the F!CK does he think he is!? He's holding on to $75k and refuses to give it back and he actually had the balls to threaten to shred the money if she asked about it again. Why hasn't she gone APE $HIT on him yet. I hope someone kills that tool. Very unlikable character


You should go watch the first season of The Expanse then - he gets killed over there :-).


Art's character changes over time. He grows on you.


Most of the Orphan Black journey is learning that everyone is annoying when they're up against a wall.

In Art's case, you'll come to understand why he was so annoyed at Beth (and, to be honest, given that Sarah wasn't even remotely capable of pretending to be Beth as a working police detective and was mostly trying to wing it and pretend that she knew police procedure and *stuff* like that, you can hardly blame him for not understanding why his partner wasn't acting like herself or doing her job...).


It's not Sarah's money anymore than it's his though.

Art helped set up Maggie Chen's shooting to look like an accident. His ass is CERTAINLY on the line if Sarah can't pull this off. She's acting OOC for him as Beth and he's worried. Is it nice? NO. But niether is Sarah stealing what she believes to be Beth and Paul's money so she can basically yank her daughter from a better guaridian and run off with her brother.


You know nothing.
