Can someone explain..

Hi fans!

I'm new to the show, and I have just started season 2.

Can someone explain.. without spoilers of course.

I've got a bit lost and confused with the whole Leekie working with Cosima situation.
1) What does he want from Cosima?
2) Does he know she knows about clones?
3) Why is he giving her a lab?

Remember I'm just on season 2 so if I'm not supposed to know yet try not to spoil :) :)


1) What does he want from Cosima?
Cosima's cooperation? He is hoping that she is less stubborn than Sarah. Perhaps the level of cooperation he expects is comparable to Rachel?
2) Does he know she knows about clones?
Yes. In episode 110 (season one, episode ten) Leekie contacts Sarah, Cosima, and Alison to offer them deals based on the fact that he knows that each has discovered that they have been monitored, all due to Sarah's snooping in episode 105.
3) Why is he giving her a lab?
He hopes that Cosima will make a discovery that is useful to him.


1. He knows Cosima is a brilliant scientist. As of at lest 1.8 he knows she is self aware and in touch with other clones b/c he tells Delphine to '.. go deeper, faster' b/c of the threats to the clones (from Helena). And this instigates Delphine to not only sleep with Cosima but to snoop into her private papers.

and maybe even moreso, if Cosima came to work at DYAD, then they could keep closer tabs on her, even closer tabs than a monitor even?

2. Yes same as above.

3. B.C Sarah acting as Beth demanded it. But it is not an unreasonable request b/c the project is secret, so how could he have her working somewhere else that would not be as secret? DYAD seems to have unlimited resources when it comes to the clones. And having her own lab also helps them keep closer tabs on her research. Some things that happen later in season 2 and 3 will show that it can backfire on Cosima trying to keep certain information quiet but that DYAD finds out b/c she is using their facilities.


DYAD seems to have unlimited resources when it comes to the clones.

I don't know about that. Spoiler but ... when Evie Cho was interfering late in season four, the Neos considered pulling the plug on Project Leda. That is a sign that resources are not unlimited.
