MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > Why is Cosima the only clone that needs ...

Why is Cosima the only clone that needs glasses?

Because they are clones, why is Cosima the only one with bad eyes?


Different environmental or physical factors likely contributed to the deterioration in her eyesight. She's also the only one that we know of who is gay, so clearly they are not completely identical in every way.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


You get astigmatism from looking at computer screens too much. That should affect Mika too.


Maybe she got lasik

You have many question, Mr Sparkle. I send you premium -- answer question, hundred percent!


That's a new one. No you don't get astigmatism from computer screens!

(I'm an optometrist).


b/c she is a bookworm, plus lots of time on the computers.


Because she's s hipster dufus; and thinks it makes her more ironic.
Like those losers who wear winter hats in the summer.


She has legitimate eyesight problems. In the episode where she had to pretend to be Allison for a short while, Cosima couldn't wear her glasses, and she had a great deal of difficulty seeing.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


"Moment please! Maybe all of the other honourable clones wear contacts..." - Detective Harry Hoo

The Players of The Game are the scum of the earth.


Allison is the only clone that struggled with alcoholism, Beth, I believe, had a pill addiction, and Sara is the only one that could get pregnant. Cosima is also the only one of the group thus far to get sick.


Sara is the only one that could get pregnant.

Not exactly, also Helena.
Cosima is also the only one of the group thus far to get sick.

And Mika.



Charlotte and Jennifer and Katya.

__ __

Trump: "I could only lose this erection if Hillary rigged it. This erection is rigged."


Plot hole. It's what happens when you're so concerned with your show winning awards than small details like...the plot.


Cosima having glasses is not a plot hole, a plot hole is something that contradicts the story in some way. This doesn't contradict anything because it is absolutely a possible thing for her to have poor eyesight when the others don't. Explained here:

Sorry for my English mistakes.


"Why is Cosima the only clone that needs glasses?"

Actually just looked online, and it's Salt Optics. They are prescription glasses. guess she just looked at computers too long ;P

So says Mr. Stewart
