MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > Would you prefer realistic clones?

Would you prefer realistic clones?

Despite what some might tell you, human clones do exist in reality... they're called "identical twins" (monozygotic). And any reasonable examination of identical twins would conclude that there are physical differences between them:

If you can't tell: one girl's eyes are narrower, and closer together, her eyebrows are thicker, and lengthier, cheekbones higher - the entire skeletal structure of the face is more defined. While freckles and moles appear to be hereditary in some way, and often similar, they are never identical. Their complexion is subtly different otherwise, as well.

This is due to a number of environmental and epigenetic factors, that could even lead to differences as dramatic as significant weight disparity. (#fatTat)

The farthest they seem to go on Orphan Black with this is complexion, as Helena is noticeably more pallid than her sestras. (Although Felix theorizes Cosima may have bigger breasts than his sister does.)

Tatiana has a few birthmarks on her face that easily single her out as every clone in the series. So, time and technology permitting, would you have preferred more variety in Clone Club, or is unrealistic more fun?

By the way, Sarah's her own grandmother... think about it...


What is your suggested solution? Use identical quintuplets? It is hard to find ones who can act. On the other hand, it would be cheaper than the technodolly.


Because RATINGS. Having one person portray multiple characters has a coolness factor. Clones/twins who grew up in vastly different climates would have differences just like you said-sun spots, differences in weight, complexions, birth marks, condition of skin, hair, etc.

They scratched the surface with Cosima having glasses and Helena's pallid color but can do a little more with costumes-they do a great job with accenting each clone's personality but those environmental differences would add more.


Diet, exercise, sleep patterns and many other factors could influence extensive variation.

"many other factors could influence extensive variation"
That sounds like the title of an OB episode.

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Hate leads to anger.
Anger leads to the Dark Side.
This is a Haiku.
