MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > ***Spoiler*** Season 4, Episode 10 quest...

***Spoiler*** Season 4, Episode 10 question

I think I must have missed something.... When Cosima is in the tent with Delphine and says "I finished our homework" she then has a plastic case she gives Delphine. Did Cosima somehow get the cure out of the lab? I thought she was totally cut off from everything. How is that possible?



After Charlotte released Cosima from her confinement, she assured Cosima that it was essential to leave quickly, but Cosima disagreed. Cosima went into sneak thief mode while Susan was keeping Rachel busy. She grabbed the vials off screen.

Of course, Susan was the one who locked Cosima in a room in the first place. I guess Susan got desperate. Or perhaps she finally realized the folly of trusting Rachel over Clone Club.
