MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > "Just one, I'm a few, no family too, who...

"Just one, I'm a few, no family too, who am I?" (Season 2, Ep.8)

How did Felix know about this "riddle"?

And does anybody know the correct answer? It is given in the show at some point?

It's a nice catch phrase btw!


How far along are you in the series? I don't want to ruin the answer if you've watched one or two episodes. If you've seen at least 4 you should know the answer to the riddle.


Just finished Season 2. I said where I was in the topic and I said it was Felix who said it... How did he know about the riddle was the main question.
And I do not recall they saying the oficiall answer. Is it "I'm a clone"? Or "I'm You"? The last one would be better imo.


You have to assume that the characters talk about things off screen. Sarah would have told Fe at some point what the riddle was.


Yeah, thanks, but I'm more curious about the answer. Is there an official one? I do not recall they saying...


I do not think the show ever gave us an official answer. Maybe the comix did? Anyone read all the comics?


Felix is Sarah's #1 confidant. She tells him everything. She hides info from everyone else. It all has to do with being a con woman and needing to work so closely with Felix whom she trusts in a way she does no one else.
