MovieChat Forums > The Internship (2013) Discussion > Quit saying it's a google commercial

Quit saying it's a google commercial

As if Google is really hungry for people to come do their internships. Obviously they're getting the best minds in the whole world to come there already. I'm sure everybody knows what the heck Google is. This was a very funny movie from start to finish. Even the lovey dovey moments made me laugh and that's rare for comedies.

Go see it, it's worth the price of admission. Vaughn and Wilson are great together...feels like a Wedding Crashers sequel of sorts


Just saw it today, really enjoyed it. I find it appalling that people think it's a Google commercial. The movie is a complete parody for the stereotypes you meet in the tech industry. People who do not work in tech won't appreciate it as much, that's for sure. A predictable plot, but it's a comedy for god's sakes.





The idea that a company is so super-duper fantastic that it doesn't need to market itself or manage its reputation is just silly.

Only an intern wannabe would even try to make that argument. Strange, serial killers and corporations have obsessive fans. Why is that.

This movie was a fusion of screenwriting and Public Relations. Expect more of that now that Facebook and Google have pioneered the way.

At least the Facebook movie was good. This one was just embarrassing.


Get post, strongly agree with everything you wrote.


Google does advertise for job openings etc. By billboards with complex mathematical problems, that, when solved, may reveal a link or phone number you can call. Or they monitor your search terms and when you search for the things they like, they'll offer you a job. Google doesn't need to advertise in the traditional way, they only want the very best. People you don't get through a silly comedy.


Vince Vaughn wrote this so not sure what this guy is talking about. Not an intern btw. Never have been.



reply is exactly that, a promotional film for google. If you can't see that then you either work for google?, or are fooling yourself. Horrible, Horrible Film, that sets a very unappetizing precedent. Vaughan and Wilson just sold their souls for the corporate dollar.


This movie needs Google's help more than vice versa, it's just an easy reference/buzzword for them to use.

..or maybe not lol


It didn't exactly feel like a commercial, but it did feel like it was a big "look how good google is" film. It just felt like they were trying to get people to appreciate google, if that makes sense.

Go Mischa/Marissa(2003-2006)
Wisdom is freedom


I don't understand why no one in Hollywood can make an original movie. They all have to be empty attempts at rehashing an old idea. Oh yeah. This is a product placement.


You come up with an original idea. I'm not being snarky, just asking for a plot that has never been done before in any way. There is a theory that there are only 7 plots in all of storytelling and that's all there has ever been. So come up with an idea and lets see if we can trace it back to one of those seven plots.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



That's exactly my point. There are only 7 basic plots just as there are 8 music notes in the scale. Using those plots/music notes an artist can produce an infinate variety of works. But the bedrock of the works produced will rest on the foundation of the basic plot/scale. This movie IMO Man against his evironment.
I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.



I was reply to this post,

»Sun Jun 9 2013 13:11 Flag ▼

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IMDb member since February 2004

I don't understand why no one in Hollywood can make an original movie. They all have to be empty attempts at rehashing an old idea. Oh yeah. This is a product placement.

But I should have prefaced my post with a 'Then'.

I am the Queen of Snark, TStopped said so.


Summeriris you know absolutely NOTHING about writing or music



You replied within 10 minutes



Bullshit, it means that these threads are not completely dead



Honestly, I think it's difficult to find anyone who doesn't understand how 'good' google is!


"look how good google is"

that^, google doesnt need to be advertised but cause privacy is a big thing now... and as you know google and facebook are the ultimate spies with 0-zero respect whats so ever about personal data/privacy they needed to do something to "look good".

Needless to say that the movie is rubbish.


I think it's a real shame that product placement has so captured Hollywood that they're now devoting entire films to it.


How can you not avoid corporate overlords in this economic climate, anyway?


Shows like Bewitched and I Love Lucy were built on it too. The oven, washer, and dryer. You've seen the ads: I bought it at Macy's.

If I say something you don't like just tell me and I'll shut up, otherwise, don't rant and rave!!!!


it's a google commercial


Yup. It's a Google commercial. It was real irritating.


I prefer Bing. Google has been sued for invasion of privacy. In Germany.


if only this was their sole crime.
they *beep* up all news companies in France, threathing newspapers to de-reference all their website if they tried to sue them for illegal use of their content. ( because google steal content from news companies , make money on ad, and dont pay any tax to local country where they suck and suck all ressources and if you tell them that they make threats of dereferencing their websites).
And apart from that they *beep* us all by not paying any tax: they pay like 2% in ireland for the whole europe market while they should pay what anybody else is paying that is about 33% in France.
Luckly things are going to change and all *beep*** like amazon, starbuck, ebay and such will have to pay instead of destroying our social securities, destroying our hospitals and such. *beep* them !


Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson never make me laugh- together or separate.
And it IS a Google commercial.


You're right, everybody does know what Google is. Everybody knows what Coke is, as well as McDonalds but they still advertise. And you have Google being portrayed in a positive light which only helps in arguing that it is a giant Google ad.

See, here's the thing. This movie is 120 minutes of product placement for Google. And product placement is advertising. Every time an ad shows for The Internship, it's like Google is getting a free ad on TV. And every time the trailer shows in theaters, a two minute long ad for them.

I haven't seen the movie so I can't comment on the quality, but if you think that this is not an ad for Google you're mistaken.


They need to get a better rep, so yeah, everyone knows what Google is, doesn't mean they don't need to advertise. You don't see Coca-Cola or McDonalds stop their advertising.


This is a Google commercial. Nothing patently wrong with that.

But the film is just not nuanced enough for me. I love Vaughn, but I was disappointed with this film. Too slick and pointed on the part of every character. Usually Vaughn is the sole slick character. In this film every character out slicks every other character. Usually Vaughn is the lone fast talker.

And as far as this being a parody that IT people would understand. This film may speak to the env at Google... But there are millions of IT folks out there who toil in the depths of cubicles, never see a volleyball court, or a slide, or a free bagel, let alone a free daily spread.

Office Space still stands as the lone accurate depiction of IT life. Doubtful that it will ever be matched.


I just don't get why everyone has such a problem with product placement in movies. We are inundated with advertising; these days, you can't avoid it. So what? Does it make the movie any less fun to watch? For that matter, does it affect the movie at all? Not really. The only thing it does do, it seems, is give people something to bitch about.
Google, I'm sure, paid a ton of money to be featured in this film; they didn't get "free advertising" every time the commercials were shown, they paid for them. I don't think this movie is going to convince anyone who doesn't already use Google to all of a sudden switch over.
Most of the time, product placement just helps maintain the large budgets of Hollywood movies, nothing more.

"She's, like, a biscuit older than me..."


We are inundated with advertising; these days, you can't avoid it.

That's the exact reason why we don't like it, doh.

Google, I'm sure, paid a ton of money to be featured in this film; they didn't get "free advertising" every time the commercials were shown, they paid for them.

That's another reason, actually. If it was a group of independant filmmakers that happened to choose Google for their plot, it would be free advertisement. But at least they could do whatever they want. In this case, as you said, Google dumped money into it. And that means they also bought some creative control about the movie plot, the characters and the way Google is represented. You probably heard of may thing Google is being accused of, like pushing or suppressing certain key words in search. But when Google is involved in the process, no critique of Google will be allowed.

Regular product placement in movies is one thing. I don't mind much if the main character drinks coke or pepsi. But this here is different, it's propaganda on many levels. And let's not forget that this comes from a company that is dealing with information on a very important level. You may not recognize it (which is part of the problem) but Google is shaping out opinions and world views as much as it is able to hide truths or propagate lies.


Agree with this completely, but I want to add that product placement is worse than other forms of advertising. When you see a billboard, you know its advertisment, you know they paid for it, you'll think about the message in the ad with (relatively) critical eyes. For product placement, the hero just happened to have that car/drink/wristwatch/computer/etc and you'll unconciously associate the brands with being cool.

Let's never forget that modern marketing does NOT aim to make us think "oh, that looks like a nice drink, I'll go and buy one right now!" - it's to make us get a warm fuzzy feeling once we do.


I like how casual audiences will complain about the filmmakers whoring themselves to Google and then turn that Lego movie into a home video hit.


I tend to disagree because of two reasons:

1) What about the other way round: As I director I might want to pick a specific car/drink/watch in order to make a statement about this character. For example, if the character is a wealthy, douchy, bragging type, I might want him to wear a Rolex, if he is a hipster, I might select an older Swatch for him etc. You know, sometimes you DO want play with images that these brands have.
And if I am going to choose Rolex anyway, I might as well ask Rolex to fork over some grands and in exchange focus on the watch one second longer.

2) Imagine a movie without any product placement, a movie where I am not allowed to use any props, clothes, vehicles, drinks or whatever from any known brand. I'd have to come up with made-up brands. For hundreds of items. Financial issues aside, if you watched that movie, you'd feel like being thrown into a fake world or a parallel universe. Does is never bother you when characters in movies watch internet video clips on some made up website instead of YouTube?


And don't forget the moral of the film: Google is in the business of merging people with technology to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

They really want us to drink the kool-aid as we walk out of the theater.



Completely agree. If this was actually reality, you would've had Rose Byrne's character or someone else at least leave the company in that time to start up their own
