So what - corporate propaganda is entertainment now?
This movie was the longest product placement ad ever and all you gullibles lapped it up.
Whatever happened to individuality? Pfft
This movie was the longest product placement ad ever and all you gullibles lapped it up.
Whatever happened to individuality? Pfft
I could see where you're coming from but think about it this way: does Google really need to advertise? Not really. I didn't see it as propaganda because of the fact that most people already knew about all of the stats mentioned in the movie. I think it was meant as a comedy, and it was hilarious.
"Can't deal with my tank donuts!" - VanossGaming
By this logic no corporation needs to advertise because "most people" already know them.
Bambi + Lewis Skolnick = Disney's Peter Parker
Commercials are some of the most entertaining peices of entertainment ever. In fact, if everysingle single commercial from now one was this entertaining, that's all I will ever want from now on.
Don't forget: It's just a story being told
Nothing is "overrated". Your opinion is just outnumbered
Those innocent days when Coca Cola owned Columbia Pictures!
Its that man again!!