One of the worst things I've ever seen, chillingly unashamed propaganda
Firstly, thank God that Amazon, and not Google, owns IMDB, but I am still very surprised/disappointed/suspicious that this has a relatively good score of 6.3 here......So to my opinions, this "thing" is not even a movie. It is thinly-veiled Google propaganda using a bunch of mostly past-it actors with little career left to spoil, who'll do anything for a presumably fat Google paycheck, thrown together with a bunch of cheap nobodies. Every single scene, character, character action, line of dialogue and "joke", was completely cliched, idiotic, vacuous, ridiculous and unbelievable and/or predictable to the point of offensiveness. Coincidentally I watched Vince Vaughn's "Delivery Man" (remake of a Canadian movie "Starbuck") last night and enjoyed it. I am disappointed in him (and Owen for that matter) for having anything to do with this crap, but that is by the by.
I'll give you a few examples of the stultifying badness in this "thing".
- The "bad guy" English character was just absolutely terrible, so lazily conceived and badly-acted, shoved in there to be the "adversary" for our protagonists, where one was not even needed, and it was to very little effect in the plot in the end anyway. It was just another piece of padding.
- They managed to get every Google service circa 2013 mentioned at least twice, mostly with no relevance what so ever to the story.
- We had to endure that little speech from the manager girl that Owen Wilson fancied on how Google is "making peoples lives better" (So this isn't propaganda???)
- I have worked in support environments myself since 2001, that phone helpline scenario was absolute nonsense. There is seriously NO way people with no tech knowledge/experience at all could learn over-night from a few multiple choice Qs how to deal with random phone calls on potentially any number of different issues. In my experience of this work, it takes approximately 8 months to a year to become even barely proficient in an environment where you are receiving unpredictable calls from users on countless different platforms and OS's that you also have no individual control over.
I could probably write a list of around 20 more terrible things but this farce is so bad it does not really even deserve to be analysed as a movie. Anybody out there who would like to disagree with me is welcome to do so, but I beg you to do one thing, watch the movie "Real Genius" first, see what an actual real movie on this kind of subject (that is also pretty good and funny), with actual characters, no electronic services to sell, with heart and humour, is like.