So Many Questions ?

1. At the end is that the same cop that is killed in bride of Chucky ?
2. Why is the scene with the same cop changed so there is no scene of him getting chucky in a evidence bag ?
3. Why is Chucky not in pieces in the evidence bag ?
4. Why does Tiffany kill the cop inside the cop car rather than outsidein bride of Chucky ?
5. so did Tiffany send Chucky to the family at the start, if not who did ?
6. Why I'd Chucky not possess the little girl?
7. Did Tiffany mail Chucky to the little girl or Andy ?
8, Why does Chucky have scarring if bride of Chucky has not taken place yet ?
9. Who put the covering on chucked face ?
10. Who were the family's Chucky mentions he went through I thought he only went through Andy in many films


To answer your questions quickly. No that was not the same cop. Just killed in the same manner. Curse took place after all of the other films, and tiffany covered his face up and sent him to the family. Chucky tried to get his soul into the little girl but failed until the end when his soul went into the little girls body and her soul went into her dead grandma's body. The families mentioned were Andy's, Andy's foster parents, the military school, jade and Jesse Kincaid from bride and finally the tilly family from seed. There you have it friend. Chucky fan for life!


his soul went into the little girls body and her soul went into her dead grandma's body
Nobody knows what happened there. Except probably Don Mancini. Most likely the soul transfer failed since it always has when there's an interruption. Maybe the grandma wasn't really dead.

For the op, just watch the entire series and rewatch this.

Your right to an opinion does not equal an opinion that is right


Ehhh.. I highly doubt a geriatric woman survived being plastic wrapped over the face, lay there lifeless for God knows how long, and suddenly springs back to life. It's either my theory or his soul went into the grandmother's instead of Alice. Time will tell though.


The grandmother could have easily passed out for a bit but then regained consciousness. It's not that hard to swallow.


It is hard to swallow. Chucky freaking suffocated her with a plastic bag. I'm done discussing this. No one can survive that.


Ha so you must be right then? It's officially impossible for someone to pass out and regain consciousness.

Are you gonna be mad at Don if he does not write it your way?

We don't know how long he suffocated her or if there might have been an air leak. Even John Ritter's character popped back up after being stabbed. He was out and bleeding overnight in that storage chest. That's actually harder to swallow than passing out.

Your right to an opinion does not equal an opinion that is right


You know what. You're absolutely right... Sarcasm. And of course i wouldn't be butt hurt, just saying it's highly implausible, but as i said I'm done talking about it, because debating on the internet is like an event in the special Olympics, and i don't want to be that guy.
