MovieChat Forums > Curse of Chucky (2013) Discussion > Dane DeHaan as Charles Lee Ray/Chucky

Dane DeHaan as Charles Lee Ray/Chucky

If they ever reboot the Child's Play franchise, and Brad Dourif doesn't reprise his role as the voice of Chucky would you like to see Dane DeHaan play Charles Lee Ray and be the voice of Chucky? And do you think Dane has the voice to play a good Chucky?


He does look a little like him. I'd have to hear him do a Chucky voice first though.

Your right to an opinion does not equal an opinion that is right


You're right, he DOES look like Brad Dourif. I feel like they should have had HIM play Charles Lee Ray in the flashbacks rather than Brad. He clearly aged after 25 years and they did a terrible job trying to make him look younger. The wig was also too bulky and not even patted down enough. Yuck.



There is something wrong with your eyes. He clearly aged over 25 years and that wig was too high and there was no hairline in the middle to make it pass like it was his own hair. It was a terrible make-up job so they should have had this Dane guy play Brad in those scenes with Brad dubbing over his voice.



No, getting Brad to play those scenes was a mistake. HE'S AGED OVER TWENTY FIVE YEARS and they did a terrible job trying to make him look younger. You could see the wrinkles he did not have in 1988 and the wig was terrible. And no one looks more like Brad than Brad? In a world where there are BILLIONS of people around I'm sure some one out there can pass as his twin. Dane may not look 100% exactly like Brad when he was younger, but he has a resemblance and fitting enough to pass as a younger Brad. He could have definitely played the CLR character in those scenes. The little bit of facial difference from him to the 1988 scenes of the first movie with Brad we can gloss over more-so than a completely aged Brad and his younger self in those Child's Play scenes which is quite harder to suspend disbelief on.

Get with the program and share my view. You're only so supportive of Brad being in those scenes because he was once again playing the role he hasn't played since 1988. But the outcome was terrible. He has clearly aged and his make-up to look the part of some one twenty-five years younger didn't look the part and you're acting like there not one person out there that could have passed for a young Brad to have been in those flashback scenes instead. Get out of here with that.



The movie did it and it works. You're going to have to accept that.

The movie did it but it DIDN'T work. You're going to have to look past the exciting idea of Brad playing human Chucky again and SEE THAT.

It worked wonderfully. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I beg to differ. It did not work wonderfully and I SO would have gotten a suitable actor to play Charles in those flashbacks. Brad was not Oprah who could look the same for thirty years. The man AGED and it showed.

You can whine about it, but it'll never change. It's done.

I'm not trying to change it and I know it's too late to do something about it dummy. But I can still complain in regards to what SHOULD have been done. People do it all the time and there's nothing wrong with it.


What the hell are you talking about? They did a great job on Brad for those flashbacks, especially considering the small budget they had.

Kristen Dowd
The Future of Independent Film


What the hell am I talking about? Did you like not read this whole discussion? That's what the hell I'm talking about you computer glitch so way to be stupid here, especially to think they did a great job with Brad in the flashbacks which they obviously did a very poor job on. Small budget my ass, they still could have put the right make-up on him and a WIG. This movie wasn't made on $5 here. brad clearly aged and did not look the part of being twenty-five years younger. Get over the fact that we saw Brad playing the Charles character again after so many years and see that.


Kill yourself.

Kristen Dowd
The Future of Independent Film


Um, I deserve to be on this Earth enjoying life, while you deserve to be cast into outer darkness.


No Tommy Wiseau should play Charles Lee Ray, since he looks so much like him from the beginning of the first film.


No and no.

