MovieChat Forums > Curse of Chucky (2013) Discussion > Great movie...not so great ending IMO

Great movie...not so great ending IMO

I was really impressed with the story-line, the characters and the style. Huge improvement from Seed of Chucky. And as cool as it was to see Brad Douriff reprise the Charles Lee Ray character, in the just didn't seem realistic to me. From what I gather from the other films, Chucky was simply a cold-blooded killer who found joy in blood and gore. Not some lonely, "One Hour Photo" stalker who wants to be a family man. He gave no indication of that in the previous films, not even "Seed of Chucky" where he was more interested in teaching Glen the "family business" than being a father. He had no interest in settling down with Tiffany...yeah, it just didn't seem to fit. However, I am glad this movie was made. Seed was just not a good note to leave on.


Well he did not seem like a stalker more like a psychopath, it is implied he was torturing her and he killed her husband, and she did not want him to do anything to her children, I do not see any one hour photo stalker, he was just being a sarcasatic psychopath. Torturing her.


I didn't feel that it was meant to be in a sarcastic way, but I could see that working as a plot. But the conversation he had with the mom, right before stabbing her implied that he really wanted to be a part of their family, and thought of himself as her husband after he killed her real husband, which is why she played along to manipulate him into keeping her and her kids alive long enough to get the police involved.


I understood it more like he was a family killer, he had a thing for families, but more like, that ghost from sinister that murdered families. I think he enjoyed destroying families. He was a serial killer in the first movie, and he already had a girlfriend Tiffany. I felt it was sarcastic and playful, always implying he would hurt them.


I sort of agree.

Quite enjoyed this one. Though have never been a massive fan of retconning or trying to insert characters that arrived later in a franchise into the earlier origins stories. (Unless, it was planned from the start and you can write the story in such a way that it makes sense.) That whole flashback part felt a bit tacked on. I did like the trial idea though, and the idea that Nica gained some victory by surviving. Her little "you didn't beat me yet" rant was cool, despite being dragged away to an institution.


I watched it last night for the second or third time, the first in a good 8 or so years.

It is a decent film. Especially when you consider the fact it was straight-to-video. It's quite slick and well made for such a film.
