MovieChat Forums > Curse of Chucky (2013) Discussion > Ranking the child's play films IMO

Ranking the child's play films IMO

From best to worse

Curse of Chucky
bride of chucky
Child's play 3
child's play 2
seed of chucky
child's play

I know it may be weird that the original is last but I didn't enjoy it as much as the others

“It’s Halloween, everyone’s entitled to one good scare.”🔪


I love all of them and I keep changing all the time lol

Bride of Chucky
Child's play 2
Child's play
Seed of Chucky
Curse of Chucky
Child's play 3


Child's play
Child's play 3
Child's play 2
Bride of Chucky
Curse of Chucky
Seed of Chucky


Child's Play 2
Bride of Chucky
Curse of Chucky
Child's Play
Child's Play 3
Seed of Chucky

Cena doesn't overcome any odds. He's a wrestler with a God Mode cheat on.


Childs Play 2
Childs Play
Childs Play 3
Curse of Chucky
Bride of Chucky

Seed of Chucky

"We dug coal together."
Justified 2010-2015



From Best To Worst:

1. Child's Play 2
2. Child's Play
3. Child's Play 3
4. Curse of Chucky
5. Bride of Chucky
6. Seed of Chucky

"Hee hee hee...quit touching my junk, pervert"!
Tickle Me Bender- Futurama


i ADORE all six chucky movies, child's play franchise is one of the best franchise ever.

anyway, my ranking from best to "wrost"

Child's play 2, child's play 3, bride of chucky, curse of chucky
child's play
seed of chucky

ehy H2 haters, look this



2 is my favorite because I think it has the best balance of horror and comedy
Bride Of Chucky
Curse Of Chucky

Seed of Chucky was awful


1. Child's Play
2. Bride of Chucky
3. 2
4. 3
5. Curse of Chucky
6. Seed of Chucky
